One-On-One Coaching with Darryl Davis Darryl only has FIVE personal coaching members at a time. Bottom line? You get a DIRECT LINE to Darryl. No set homework assignments. No lengthy contract or rules. No call in at a certain time or miss your slot for the month. Why? That’s just not how Darryl has found […]
Powerfact: Coming from a place of service is a powerful differentiator.
Powerfact: Success in the business of real estate comes down to your commitment to building relationships.
You CAN call FSBOs and Expireds even when they are on the Do Not Call (DNC) List. Here’s Why…
Farming Webinar Powerfact: Farming is one of the most foundational parts of building a long-term real estate business. A big thank you to everyone who joined us for the webinar! We had a blast sharing strategies and tools with you and hope you took at LEAST one strategy of the dozen and put it to […]
Come for the Real Estate Coaching – Stay for the Weekly WINS.
What’s old is new again, and direct mail marketing is one of the best ways to promote yourself to your farm area!
Smoothing the transition between being a part-time and full-time agent with less stress, more ease, and more confidence can be easier than you think.
NOW is the time for agents to work harder, smarter, and more strategically than ever.
“You have to look at your career and personal life at the big-picture level: it’s a marathon, not a sprint. Doing that helps me feel OK during the weeks when one part of my life overwhelms the other.” —Joanna Horsnail, partner at Mayer Brown LLP
Eclipses aren’t limited just to the skies above! They can be found anywhere (even real estate) when factors (and people) come into alignment.
We’ve long believed that Zillow is bad for real estate agents, and their newest Touring Agreement is another example of why.