Search Results for: real-estate-coach-darryl-davis

One-On-One Coaching with Darryl Davis

One-On-One Coaching with Darryl Davis Darryl only has FIVE personal coaching members at a time. Bottom line? You get a DIRECT LINE to Darryl. No set homework assignments. No lengthy contract or rules. No call in at a certain time or miss your slot for the month. Why? That’s just not how Darryl has found […]

Farming Webinar

Farming Webinar Powerfact:  Farming is one of the most foundational parts of building a long-term real estate business. A big thank you to everyone who joined us for the webinar! We had a blast sharing strategies and tools with you and hope you took at LEAST one strategy of the dozen and put it to […]

Developing a “Marathon Mindset” for Your Real Estate Team

“You have to look at your career and personal life at the big-picture level: it’s a marathon, not a sprint. Doing that helps me feel OK during the weeks when one part of my life overwhelms the other.” —Joanna Horsnail, partner at Mayer Brown LLP