When a Seller Says, “I want to interview more agents.”
“I want to interview other agents” leaves most professionals scrambling for an answer to turn the listing conversation around…we’ve got you covered.
“I want to interview other agents” leaves most professionals scrambling for an answer to turn the listing conversation around…we’ve got you covered.
Success in real estate is NOT about transactions; it’s about cultivating strong and enduring relationships with clients. It’s about those little moments that matter where trust, rapport, and connection are built between agents and consumers.
“THANK YOU” – two of the most powerful words in any language and one of the most important things you can say to your real estate clients for entrusting you with the biggest and most important purchase they will ever make.
It’s been an EXHAUSTING time of highs and lows and a whole lot of uncertainty in the wake of the NAR lawsuit and agents are feeling the fatigue.
“Hire character. Train skill.” – Peter Schutz, former president and CEO of Porsche
People buy into the leader before they buy into the vision.” – John C. Maxwell
Real estate is always changing. The agents who thrive are the ones who refine their skills, adjust their strategies, and focus on what works. Success this year won’t just be about working harder—agents will definitely have to work smarter.
What every real estate agent needs to know about Zillow’s decision to become a competing brokerage.
Team Players MEET THE SMILE TEAMBEHIND DARRYL DAVIS SEMINARS We Love Them And You Will Too DARRYL DAVISChief Smile Maker Darryl is a Keynote Speaker, Author, Business Coach, Comedian. That’s a lot of hats. If you had to sum it all up though? There’s one thing that Darryl is overwhelmingly passionate about. That’s helping people […]
Hey, Sarah! Looking for your Power Agent® Dashboard? Head here! Coaching What Is The Power Agent® Program? This empowering program takes agents OFF the commission roller coaster and helps them to develop breakthrough financial success, a stronger bottom line, a referral base they can count on — and have a whole lot less stress in […]
Power Agent Trifecta Introducing the Power Agent Trifecta of Real Estate Must-Have Tools for Success! The Power Agent Program is more than a coaching program — it’s a community. It’s a place where agents come together each week for coaching that creates on-the-fly solutions for today’s busy real estate professionals. It’s about smart marketing, a […]
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