The Transformational Power of Breaking Through Your Fear
We all have fear, but does fear hold us back? When it comes to finally breaking through the fear of prospecting, it will transform you and your business.
My wife works a lot with cat rescue, and one cat that we ended up keeping was Piper. For the longest time, Piper was very skittish and fearful, and it was almost impossible to pet her because she wouldn’t let anyone near her.
After a while, she started to allow a little bit of touching, and not long after that, she wanted a lot more petting. Now, Piper is hungry for affection and loves to cuddle. She practically screams for it!
It was an incredible thing to watch Piper break through her fear of humans to reach the point where she is so hungry for affection—breaking through her fear altered her entire world. She has discovered this joyous, wonderful expression called love.
Helen Keller’s Experience
I was reading a book by Helen Keller called My Religion recently, and if you don’t know who Helen Keller is, she was blind, deaf, and mute but went on to become one of the most inspirational people in the world. In this book, she says:
“I had no concept whatsoever of nature, mind, death, or God. I literally thought with my body. Without a single exception, my memories of that time are tactical. There was no spark of emotion or rationale. I was like an unconscious clod of earth. Then suddenly, I knew not how or when I awoke to language, but I woke to knowledge of love, to the usual concepts of nature, good, and evil.”
In another book she wrote called The Story of My Life, she describes the moment she began to understand language. She had developed her own signs to communicate with her family, but at the age of 7, she was taught American Sign Language, and she said this about the moment everything changed:
“I stood still, my whole attention fixed upon the motions of her fingers. Suddenly I felt a misty consciousness as of something forgotten—a thrill of returning thought—and somehow the mystery of language was revealed to me. I knew then that w-a-t-e-r meant the wonderful, cool something that was flowing over my hand. The living word awakened my soul, gave it light, hope, set it free.”
When Helen Keller began to understand language and connect sensations to objects to words, it was her breakthrough. The whole world opened up to her.
What Breaking Through Your Fear Will Do for You
When you break through and face your fears like Piper and Helen Keller, you open up a new world for yourself. It’s like understanding a whole new language, and you will be hungry for it.
Many agents have a fear of cold calling and prospecting; some are even afraid of public speaking. I often say that you don’t have fear, but fear has you. The reason that I want so badly for you to break through that fear is NOT to get more listings, and it’s NOT to get more money; breaking through your fears and anxieties opens up a new world and a new language for you. You discover a JOY in yourself and in your business that was never there before.
Recommended reading: Own Your Own Fears So They Don’t Own You
Your Commitment
Are you struggling with this fear? I invite you to make a commitment to having a breakthrough this week—pick up that phone even when you don’t want to. The thing is, the breakthrough doesn’t come from getting a listing appointment or getting the money; the breakthrough comes from picking up the phone and dialing. When you can move past the fear of calling and get excited about picking up the phone to call leads, that will be a whole new distinction in your life of what is possible. The best part is that it will change your whole career and alter your whole life.
Going back to Piper, I could see how her fear limited her world, and once she broke through that fear, not only did her world open up, but now she could have all the love that she didn’t have before, and she craves it! I see this for real estate agents, too, in their fears of prospecting. Once you break past that, your world gets so much bigger, and you can see the possibilities beyond the challenges with greater clarity.
Recommended reading: Have No Fear, Prospecting Tips for Agents
We’ve seen it happen!
We have some incredible POWER AGENTS® who have gotten past their fear and are now excited to prospect because it means they get to meet another person or help another family. They jump out of bed with the exhilaration of building these new relationships every day. For these agents, it’s not about the “yes” or “no” at the end of the call; it’s not about getting a listing or an appointment; it’s just about using real estate as their means to help people buy and sell their homes.
There is a whole world of people out there that you can build relationships with—buyers and sellers that need you to get past your fear, open up your world, and help them reach their Next Level®.
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