The Wisdom of Socrates
Powerfact: There’s never been a more important time to develop the RIGHT mindset and focus.
By Real Estate Coach and Speaker Darryl Davis, CSP
You have probably figured out by now that I like to read a lot of motivational tidbits. Recently, I came across this quote by Socrates that jumped out at me, and I wanted to share it with you.
In ancient Greece, there were a lot of philosophers, Socrates being one of them. There were several thoughts on the issue of suffering back then, but their biggest question was this: How does one stop suffering?
I’m going to read this incredible quote from Socrates: “Much of our suffering comes from attempting to control what is not in our control.” Wow! What a powerful thing to say.
So, with that in mind, we need to ask ourselves the question…is the suffering we are experiencing in our daily lives coming from trying to control something that isn’t within our control? Sometimes the best thing we can do for ourselves is let go of those things that aren’t in our control.
The Prescription for Suffering
I want to share with you the prescription for this ailment…
Focus on your actions, not the results. Even the results we have in our life are out of our control. They are just the results. But, what IS in our control is our actions and activity in this very moment. What we can control is what you do right now, in the next five minutes.
Live in the present. Don’t spend your time worrying about the future or being upset about the past — “The past is a canceled check, tomorrow is a promissory note, but today is cash. Today is the only currency you have to spend.” So, look at what actions you can take RIGHT NOW…not 10 minutes from now, but in the next 60 seconds. Those actions are what you can control.
Be grateful. The more we focus on the blessings and the reasons we have to be grateful, the more it becomes the anti-depressant to our suffering. You cannot be worried and experience suffering if you are being grateful. It’s impossible! Put your focus on gratitude, because that’s the true medicine for the suffering.
Ready, Set, Go!
Are you ready to start taking things to the next level? Knowing your strengths and finding ways to delegate those things you are not so good at is important to having a life worth smiling about.
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