Watch Your Thoughts…
POWERFACT: Your thoughts become your focus. Your focus determines your results.
By Real Estate Coach and Speaker Darryl Davis, CSP
I was having a conversation with my son who was going through a difficult time. I asked him to look around the room and look for everything that was black then close his eyes. I then asked him to tell me everything in the room that was yellow. He couldn’t because he was only focused on the black items. There’s a message there. We see what we focus on. The good news is we get to CHOOSE what to focus on.
I love this quote by Lao Tzu: “Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.”
As we head into the end of the year – choose your thoughts, words, actions, and habits carefully as they will control the course of path to success or failure. Be open to looking for the good. Be mindful of keeping negative thoughts at bay. Choose each morning when you get out of bed to set your intention for the day to be positive and productive. It’s THAT important!
Here’s a call to action in our world that is filled to the brim with DISTRACTIONS…
- Know Your WHY. What does your Next Level look like for you? Get clear, CRYSTAL clear about what you want your life to look like. If you could wave a magic wand and have your life be anything you wanted it to be, what would it look like? Now, create something that will visually remind you of that every day..
- How Many Families Will You Help This Year? This is an important piece for your goal setting – a critical distinction. Because what we do is more than sell houses. What we do is coach people to get to THEIR next level in life. We help them make smart, informed decisions for themselves and their families. We are serving – not selling. Put a number to it. How many families will you help? 5? 25? 50? What would it mean to their lives to have someone with your commitment level to advocate for them? What would it mean for your life to affect so many people? Write it down.
I am committed to helping YOU and YOUR family this year by delivering the tools, training, and techniques every single week right here on our blog and in our weekly coaching calls. It’s SO POWERFUL every week to answer your questions, field new strategies, create clarity, and inspire innovation and reaching and realizing Next Level Goals. We are ALWAYS here to help!
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