
February 4, 2019

“We Can Come Down Later”

POWERFACT:  Having the right analogies and metaphors can help you expertly navigate objections when they arise in a conversational and non-confrontational way.

Every agent at some point has heard, “We want to list high, we can always come down later.” We get it, they want the most for their home. Helping sellers understand how that can hurt them rather than help them get the price they want can be cumbersome. That’s why Darryl teaches Power Agents to use analogies and metaphors to handle objections, explain marketing tools, and keep conversations moving in the right direction.

Learn the “Stale Bread” Analogy for handling this objection:

Power Agents®, we have a visual with the four steps a seller needs to take to revive a “stale” listing in the Objection Handling tab of your Classroom.

In the coming weeks, you’ll also hear us talk quite a bit about market changes ahead. We’ve been in a seller’s market for some time, and we are seeing the shift across the country in many areas to a buyer’s market. In between those two is the sweet spot — the AGENT’S MARKET. It’s important to pay close attention and use this market shift to help get sellers off the fence. We’ll be teaching more on this topic soon!

Using metaphors and analogies is the best way to create an emotional connection with people.  Because they are relatable and keep you in the present (rather than trying to remember a canned script) they help paint a picture for people and draw them into the message you are trying to share. 

There’s no better time to master your skills.

If you to become your personal best at building listing inventory – come join us January 30th for the Listing Inventory Intensive on Long Island. You’ll spend eight solid hours with me learning everything you need to know to list EIGHT OUT OF TEN homes on listing appointments and feel more confident, competent, and love what you do more than ever. 

Find out more at 

We’ll see you there! 

Until then — Keep SMILING! 



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