What a Week for Real Estate Wins!
What a GREAT week of wins for our coaching members! And we NEVER fail to take the opportunity to celebrate with them!
Real estate coach and speaker Darryl Davis starts our weekly coaching calls off with a “WIN PARTY”, where POWER AGENTS® share their real estate wins from the previous week and how our coaching program is helping them achieve success in this business.
It’s incredible how many wins we celebrated this week! Check them out:
- 14 New Listings
- 7 Closings
- 4 New Contracts
- 4 Got New Leads
- 3 Listings Sold
- 3 Got Referrals 2 Registered for the Next Level Event
- SMILE STOP™: Passed Out 6 Potted Mums and Got 4 Leads in Return, Taking 2 of them Out to Look at Homes
- Got $10k of Escrow Money for a Past Client
- Picked Up the Phone and Called People
- Completed Most of their MEA Task List
- Got Photos taken for a Coming Soon Listing
- Gained Two Listings from Mailing to their Farm
- Followed Up with All Old and New Leads
- Resolved Issues on a Difficult Deal
- Held Fast on their Buyer’s Inspection Requests
- Got a Listing Appointment by Reconnecting Online with Someone in their Sphere of Influence
- Got a Compliment on their Work Ethic from their Seller
- Had their First Closing since Launching their Real Estate Brokerage Last Month
- Held a Buyer Consultation and Answered All of their Questions
- Got a Contract Pending after Negotiating an Amendment to Address Concerns
- Kept a Complex Transaction Together
- Picked Up New Leads from Circle Calling and Wearing their Name Badge to their Doctor’s Office
- Made it to Hawaii to Celebrate their Mother’s 90th Birthday
- Went Above and Beyond for Three Clients who Acknowledged and Appreciated It
- Started Hitting Open Houses Again
- Took Three Past Buyer Client Couples Out to Dinner
- Sent Out Just Sold Postcards
- Got an Offer Accepted
- Connected with 20+ Past Clients
- Sent Out a Mailing to All their Communities
- Made a Video
- Got a $2M Five-Unit Listing and a Client who wants to Buy Another Building
- Reconnected with a Former Dentist who Referred Clients 20 Years Ago
- Got a Listing from an Open House
- Made Bronze Level of NJAR
- Got Two Listings Using RPR CMAs
- Scheduled Three Neighborhood Appointments from a Sunday Open House
- Doing a Mini Pie SMILE STOP™
- Reworked their Business Plan
- Started Writing a New Offer
- Sent Out Fifteen Unsolicited CMAs
- Attended an Office Meeting
- Got a 1031 Buyer Looking for a $1M Property
- Got Contacted by Two Past Clients to List their Property
- Scheduled a Trunk or Treat for October 30th
- Acquired a New Designation
- Held a MEGA Open House at their New Listing
- Started Showing More Homes and Working on their New Business Plan
- Fired their ”Marketing Guru” who Failed to Produce Results after Ten Months
- Held a First-Time Homebuyers Seminar and Gained a New Client
- Followed Up with Contacts in their Phone
- Followed Up with a Past Client and Got a Listing from Them
- Converted a Leasing Client into a Buying Client
- Got Three Leads from Calling Around a Recently Sold Property
- Started a Farming Plan
- Sent Out their First Mailing with Another Mailing Planned in Two Weeks
- Got Some Great Exposure at a Successful Trunk or Treat
- Booked a Flight for the Next Level® Event in January
We LOVE celebrating these wins each week and LOVE seeing the changes these weekly real estate coaching calls make in our members’ lives!
See why celebrating small wins PAYS BIG!
Ready to share YOUR real estate wins for the week?
If you’re not yet a Power Agents®- no stress!
You can try us on for size for less than a cup of Starbucks!
You can open the door for an all-access 30-day trial of this extraordinary, success-fueling program for just $5.
That’s it. $5. No contract. No long-term obligation.
Just a wide and wonderful network of success-minded agents with a love of learning and a passion for helping one another, plus Darryl, plus our terrific team, plus a classroom literally packed to the rim with tools and training for every conceivable aspect of your business.
For just $5! You’re totally worth $5!
Imagine what you could do if you had just a snippet of what’s inside The Power Program®! Just a fraction!
Hope to see you on the “inside”! Here’s to your success!
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