When the Roots of Your Business Are Strong, No Storm Can Uproot You
Lessons from Bamboo Roots
Here on Long Island, New York, we have a lot of bamboo. Now, for those of you who aren’t very familiar with bamboo, it’s actually a very invasive plant. It’s even illegal to plant bamboo in certain parts of Long Island because of how invasive it can be, and you don’t realize how invasive until it’s too late.
When you plant bamboo seeds, nothing seems to happen. A year passes, then two, and by year three, you’re looking to see if there’s something wrong with the water because you hardly see any growth. But then, after a few years, BOOM. That bamboo grows 90 feet high in a year! It’s like it just explodes out of the ground, and it is everywhere!
While it seemed like nothing was happening for the first few years, the bamboo roots were growing beneath the ground. They grew and grew and were positioning themselves and getting so strong they could (and have) cut through concrete. The funniest part is that bamboo itself is so flexible in the wind. You can have a hurricane, and that bamboo isn’t going anywhere, and that’s because its root system is so strong that the stalks themselves can be flexible without getting torn from the ground.
Your business needs to be like bamboo. You may be planting seeds with potential clients, and getting your business established, and you might not be seeing a lot of results, but if you planted seeds and you are focusing on all those foundational things in your business and establishing a strong root system, you and your business will be flexible and strong enough to weather any storm.
What to Focus On This Week
Work on building and strengthening the root system of your business this week. Are you doing the basic things that you should be doing in your business? Are you trusting in your systems/Higher Power/ Universe and being patient? Focus this week on strengthening the foundations of your business, expanding and establishing your business in a solid way, and planting seeds in your sphere and farm areas.
In the next 12 months, POWER AGENTS® who are focusing on their business root systems and establishing a strong foundation are going to explode with growth, just like bamboo because they have a strong system in place. No matter how the storms of the industry blow, they will be flexible and established to weather that storm.
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