Why “Coaching, Not Closing” Is Key to Success
Powerfact: Coming from a place of service is a powerful differentiator.
By Real Estate Coach and Speaker Darryl Davis, CSP
I have spoken often about the term “coach, don’t close” and this week, and for those who haven’t heard me say that before, I want to clarify what that really means.
Closing vs Coaching
Closing is an old approach to sales — “Let me close that deal, let me get that listing appointment, let me make that big sale.” The essence of closing is all about YOU. It’s focusing on the transaction rather than human beings.
The essence of coaching is all about THEM (the client or customer). When I coach Power Agents®, or a financial planner coaches a client about investments, or a real estate agent coaches buyers and sellers, it boils down to discovering what they are committed to, and based on that, you give them the best possible advice that you have so they can accomplish whatever it is they are committed to.
The Example
For example, let’s say you had a seller that you were meeting with for a listing appointment, and they were considering selling and moving elsewhere to retire. Here’s how that conversation might go:
“Well, here’s how we can do that. My advice to you is for us to get your home on the Multiple Listing Service with a real estate professional because you shouldn’t do this on your own. Why? Because 87% of all sales going through a real estate agent. If you are going on your own, you could really only be hitting 13% of the market and missing out on that 87%. You really should work with an agent so they can help you sell your home faster and for the highest possible price.”
Do you see what this coaching looks like? In the end, the result will be the same. You will get the listing. You will sell the house. But, this all comes from a place of service, not selling. It’s about helping people, focusing on them, not the transaction.
The Benefit To Coaching, Not Closing
Here’s the nice thing about the distinction — when it’s about us getting that appointment, getting the listing, making the sale, or closing the deal, we put a tremendous amount of stress on ourselves to perform. If we don’t close, and we don’t get the appointment or the sale, we lost.
When it is about coaching, and helping, and serving, all the pressure of you performing, and winning, and succeeding is taken away, which now gives you the freedom to really be effective.
The Takeaway
Successful business salespeople center their businesses around other people. While some may be driven and motivated by money, others are motivated by making a difference. The money is only an indication of the number of people they have helped and served.
I fully believe that it is built into our DNA to serve and help people. We are the sort of people who commit to helping people, and real estate is the tool by which we use to do that.
When we have the attitude of coaching when we call, or have a listing appointment, we will be far more effective to the buyer or seller. We can’t control what the result will be, but we can control who we are and what we bring to the conversations.
Coaching is all about the good of the client, not us.
Ready, Set, Go!
Are you ready to start taking things to the next level? Knowing your strengths and finding ways to delegate those things you are not so good at is important to having a life worth smiling about.
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