Achieving YOUR Dream: How Rudy Ruettiger’s Story Will Inspire You
Why we chose Rudy Ruettiger’s amazing “achieving your dream against all odds” story to be a part of our Next Level Real Estate Event.
“When you have a big vision, if you focus on that vision, you’ll get it. But most people quit because it gets too hard.” – Rudy Ruettiger
Achieving the American dream takes hard work. For some people, that means putting in long hours at a job they may not love in order to make ends meet. For others, it might mean sacrificing time with family and friends to get ahead. For Rudy Ruettiger, achieving the dream meant doing both.
Rudy’s Story
Rudy was born into a blue-collar family in Joliet, Illinois. His father worked in a steel mill, his mother was a homemaker, and he was the third of fourteen children. From an early age, Rudy dreamed of attending Notre Dame and playing football for the Fighting Irish. However, he struggled with dyslexia, so his grades were not good enough to earn him a scholarship, and his family could not afford to pay for his tuition. “People didn’t understand my passion. I dreamt big. I saw myself playing at Notre Dame. I saw myself in a classroom.” Rudy explained.
Undeterred, Rudy enrolled at Notre Dame as a walk-on player. He quickly learned that being a walk-on meant long hours of practice and little time for anything else. But he was determined to make the team, and against all odds, he did! He said, “What I really wanted more than anything was to be part of something. I was a great practice player. I knew I wasn’t going to play, but I wanted to do my part in helping the rest of the team prepare for the games.” In 1975, Rudy became the first member of his family to graduate from college when he earned his degree in business administration. He went on to sell real estate as one of several business ventures he would have over the years and eventually became a motivational speaker.
Rudy’s early life, college, and football experience became the inspirational film, “Rudy.” He smiled as he admitted, “My story was not a football story. My story was more about going against the odds of what life was handing me.” Rudy’s story shows us that with determination, hard work, and perseverance, we can also keep pushing forward even when the odds seem insurmountable. “It’s about hope and the human spirit.”
What We Can Learn From Rudy
You may feel that way at times, right? Like the odds are stacked against you or that you don’t have the advantages or leverage other real estate agents in your market might have? Maybe you grow more disheartened by the challenges and hurdles in front of you, and you feel like you can get past those to reach your dream?
You aren’t alone.
The truth is that everyone feels that way sometimes; even the world’s top real estate agents have struggled through their moments of self-doubt and insecurity. We have all wondered if we’re really up for the challenge because that’s part of being a human being. The part we sometimes lose sight of is that resilience is also a part of being human. Change is literally built into our DNA. We have the gift of adaptation. We are more capable than we think we are. Sometimes we just need a living, breathing reminder of the human capacity to achieve at extraordinary levels when we get out of our way and lean into extraordinary commitment. We need to look obstacles in the eye and say, “I can create my own real estate success story.”
That’s what Rudy will be showing us at our Next Level Real Estate Event 2023.
Why did we choose Rudy’s story of courage and resilience for our first post-pandemic live real estate conference?
A little backstory.
When Darryl first started The Power Program way back in 1993, one of the first things he taught agents to do was to reset their mindset. You can’t make six figures when you don’t believe you can, or when you’re unsure or insecure about your value, or when you’re facing big challenges.
One of the ways Darryl helped agents create a mindset breakthrough was through a homework assignment. He made every student watch the movie Rudy before their mindset session.
Like Rudy, Darryl’s story was far from an easy one growing up. He beat a lot of odds – both through hard work and, at times, sheer will. He knew that to succeed; he would have to get out of his own head and out of his own way and find inspiration in the journeys of others forged from hard times to dream moments. Rudy’s journey was a catalyst for Darryl, for thousands of agents, and, of course, human beings worldwide.
Rudy’s Message of Hope and Inspiration
At our Next Level Real Estate Event 2023, Rudy will deliver a message of hope and inspiration that will motivate YOU to take action in your life. To tap into your inner resilience that will help you push past obstacles. If you’re ready to bring your dream of a successful real estate business into reality, then don’t miss this session where Rudy will help…
- Motivate YOU to take action in your life
- Allow you to tap into your inner resilience that will help you push past obstacles
- Help you to let go of the voices that say you can’t accomplish your dreams - even if one of those voices is your own
- Bring your dream of a successful real estate business into reality
Get ready to be more inspired, connected, and confident in your ability to push past anything in your path that impedes your ability to realize your dreams.
We can’t WAIT to see Rudy on the mainstage at the Next Level Real Estate Event 2023. It will be a POWERFUL experience for every single attendee.
Are you looking for answers to your real estate questions? Are you hungry for dialogues that actually sound like you? Are you ready to take the next step in your life journey to reach that success that still feels out of reach? It’s time. Time to become a listing MACHINE and LEAD the sales in your market. If you are tired of playing “catch-up,” then register today for the Next Level Event and secure your place in your own success!
Click HERE to CHANGE your life: Next Level Real Estate Event 2023.
The NEXT LEVEL Real Estate Event and conference will be a game-changing way to kick-off 2023.
Join world-class speakers, industry experts, and top-producing panelists, as well as agents from all over North America, for three days of intensive real estate training and tools to reset your mindset, strategies, and skills. This event is designed to help you transform your business into a high-performance machine that will generate repeatable, reliable results year after year!
Create exponential growth in your business and life by learning how to build a sustainable business system that runs 24/7. We’re delivering the cutting-edge marketing strategies, sales and communication skills, and proven systems agents need to increase production quickly without burning out. If you’re ready to create more balance between your work and life by taking control over the number of leads you generate and close daily—and what happens when they reach out to you (or don’t) – don’t miss this event.
Next Level® Real Estate Event Attendees Can Expect to Learn How to:
- Become a listing machine with inventory-building intensive sessions
- Position yourself as a sales LEADER in your market
- Unlock your fullest potential by breaking through fear and limiting belief systems that hold you back
Learn more about early bird pricing, VIP ticket options, and SPECIAL-priced sleeping rooms at the casino (but the room blocks are going fast). Check out http://www.TheNextLevelEvent.com