
How Using RedX Can Boost Your Business
October 2, 2021

How Using RedX Can Boost Your Business 

Prospecting can become frustrating, especially when the leads you get don’t lead you anywhere. Don’t let your frustration sabotage your work, but consider branching out into other sources. 

Finding quality leads is one of the most frustrating parts of the real estate business, especially when you are trying to find them without spending a ton of money on something that isn’t guaranteed! I was talking recently with a Power Agent® who was growing increasingly annoyed with the useless leads and wrong numbers she was getting, and came to me looking for suggestions but wasn’t earning enough to justify buying into RedX for leads.  

No matter where you get your leads from, whether it’s Cole Realty Resource, RedX, or any other company that provides leads, the bigger point here is that no matter how frustrating it is, it’s important not to let that frustration sabotage your prospecting. 

Have Patience With The Process 

The Universe is designed in a strange way, and I can’t explain why or how it works this way, but you can be making call after call and just hitting zeros — not getting answers or wrong numbers, or the wrong family, people hanging up on you — nothing seems to be working. But then, the Universe decides to pay you back for all your tenacity and perseverance, and out of nowhere, you start getting appointments and listings! I don’t know why it happens that way, but it does.  

So, it’s important that you don’t get frustrated and give up because the fact that you are on the phone every day, making those calls, is awesome. Stay committed and stay consistent, and things will start happening. You might only be a phone call off from everything turning your way! 

Using RedX 

Something to remember: no list is ever perfect. No matter what leads or what list you get, there are going to be wrong numbers and disconnected numbers, especially if you are calling expired listings. While companies like RedX try to keep this from happening, it does happen.  

I also can understand why agents are hesitant to pay companies like RedX for leads when they aren’t bringing in a lot of money. Heck, I even say to myself that you should be careful where you spend your money, but there is something you should consider if you are thinking about trying them.  

I’ve negotiated a deal to ensure that every Power Agent® has access to RedX, for 30 days at no charge, and no setup fee. You can literally try their list and their service for a month, and it won’t cost you anything. Why did I do this? Because I believe in it that much. It eliminates the “speed bump” of you having to find the leads and numbers – they deliver them TO you.  

How To Take Best Advantage of the Free Trial  

Here is my advice for when you start out on RedX to make the most of the free 30 days.  Once you sign up, every day that you aren’t making calls is a wasted day. If you call Monday, skip Tuesday and Wednesday, and then call Thursday and Friday, that’s two days of the 30 that you lost out on. Make sure you are committed to making calls every day for those 30 days. I’m not talking about spending five hours a day, every day, because that’s not realistic, I know – but this is an opportunity to truly impact your career in just ONE MONTH’S time. Your career is worth buckling in for 30 days, right?

Just think for a minute. What would happen to your business if, every day for 30 days for one hour a day, you use the RedX system to make your calls? Even if you got just one listing, and let’s pick a number, say $10,000 commission, and with the average Power Agent® spending $180 a month on RedX, but depending on what services you choose, let’s round that up to $200 a month, that comes out to $2400 a year. That one commission would pay for almost 4 years of RedX service for one 30-day commitment. 

Try It for Just 30 Days

As an experiment, sign up with RedX, but don’t sign up today. Sign up on the day you are ready to do your hour of calls every day for 30 days. It might be tomorrow, it might be next month, but if you do that, I guarantee you’re going to get at least one listing, probably more. That listing will most certainly sell within a short period of time, and when RedX charges you for the second month, you’ll be more than happy to pay for it because you see the value of their system.  

What You Need To Know Before You Sign Up 

I tell all my Power Agents®, and I’m telling all of you now that before you sign up with RedX, you need to be solid in your own self-worth. We have several amazing resources like “The 26 Reasons a FSBO Shouldn’t Be A FSBO”, “184 Things An Agent Does To Earn Their Commission,”  and “The 8 Risks Homeowners Take When They Choose to Sell On Their Own” that you should review

Then go through at least one of the webinars where I teach how to work with FSBOs and Expireds, and get the phone dialogues to ensure the most success on those calls, and then you will be ready to hit the ground running and KNOW that you are worth every dime.  


RedX also has a feature called Geo-Leads that is accessible during your 30-day trial, so while you are in your 30-day trial, you can grab the Geo-Leads for the neighborhoods you serve, which includes everything you need to include those addresses for your mailers as well.  


Not only does RedX have you covered where FSBOs and Expireds are concerned, but they also have lists of houses for rent. So, during one of your hours in that 30-day window, switch things up a bit and use that Geo-Leads list to phone around the neighborhood and say, “Hey, I have a buyer looking to purchase in this area.” And introduce yourself.  

Now, as a disclaimer, there is a cost to the Geo-Leads list, even during the 30-day trial, because it’s an add-on feature where you are buying the mailing list with phone numbers and emails, but the benefit is that you own that list.  

The Value in RedX 

No system is ever perfect, and you will get a few numbers that aren’t right, but one of the biggest values in the RedX system is that it’s easier for you to organize all your potential leads rather than trying to locate all the FSBOs, Expired listings, and their phone numbers on your own. That level of organization alone is a day’s work! Having a system compile all that information (and more) and put it on this beautiful dashboard online for you is well worth the monthly fee. The time it saves you is where the true value of the RedX system is. 

What’s Next? 

Are you ready to start taking things to the Next Level®? We have everything you need to develop new skills and master the ones you already have!  

Power Agents®, if you haven’t already – check out the RedX tab in your classroom and take that system – and your business for a spin!  Whether you need a boost of confidence, gripping dialogues, or empowering strategies, we are here to help you get the skills you need to be the go-to agent in your market.

Get the Darryl Davis Newsletter!

Not yet a Power Agent®? Did you know that for LESS than the cost of a Starbucks coffee, you can have access to hundreds of marketing, prospecting, and objection handling tools – live weekly coaching, podcasts, webinars, and more? Check out this FREE resource: The 12 Best Strategies to Generate Listing Leads in the Next 30 Days!”  to see how we can help you do just that! 

Start your Power Agent® trialand have total access to every tool we haveincluding a FREE 30-DAY REDX Membership (a value of $530!) – plus the FSBO and Expired dialogues, training, tools, and more for just $5! How’s that for a return on investment? $530 in exchange for just $5? That’s a win!

Contact our team today to sign up or get the answers you need: (800) 395-3905! 

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