If the Sun, Moon, and Earth Can Align, So Can Real Estate Agents
Eclipses aren’t limited just to the skies above! They can be found anywhere (even real estate) when factors (and people) come into alignment.
The recent eclipse has sparked a lot of conversation, awe, and wonder about the celestial bodies that share our solar system. The type of eclipse we just experienced only happens every 20 years or so. We did some research to understand what happens during an eclipse like this, and we wanted to share what we learned.
This was three IMMENSE, powerful bodies lining up – the sun, the earth, and the moon – in a nearly perfect line, which is a pretty phenomenal thing. As we were researching, we actually came across an article about a zoo in Columbia, South Carolina, that was monitoring all the animals during the eclipse because, during the last eclipse, they noticed a change in the tortoises’ behavior. They increased their mating behavior, which was unexpected. They didn’t know if this was a coincidence or if their behavior was caused by the eclipse, so they spent time researching and planning for the last six months so they could monitor the behavior of 20 different species in a more focused and deliberate way, even though the eclipse itself would only last a few minutes.
Related reading: Global News – Canadian zoo examined animal behavior during total solar eclipse
Related reading: New Scientist – The surprising ways animals react to a total solar eclipse
Another Kind of Eclipse
There is an eclipse occurring in the real estate industry, too, right now. We have three major things aligning this year:
- Knowledge of the individual agent
- The needs of buyers and sellers
- The lawsuits and legal matters
While these three things might not immediately seem connected, they are intricately intertwined. The lawsuits we have experienced in the last year are a phenomenon we have never seen before, and while these are going to continue for some time, there is still a need for buyers and sellers to keep the housing market moving forward. In order to effectively communicate that need as well as serve buyers and sellers most effectively, agents need the right communication skills and knowledge to effectively and accurately navigate client questions regarding lawsuits and settlements.
The real estate industry is always changing, always cyclical, but 2024 is already lining up to be something very different than what we’ve seen in the past. That’s not a bad thing. Change keeps us on our toes and opens doors to new opportunities for growth and success. It’s a year to get 100% masterful in your ability to communicate your value, your commission, and your professionalism. This is going to be a new real estate reality unlike anything we have ever seen before, and I truly believe this real estate eclipse is raising the bar for agents everywhere as the industry is learning and growing from these experiences. After all, if the sun, earth, and moon can align, so can real estate agents!
Related reading: From “I Don’t Know” to “I Have the Answers”: NAR Settlement Resources to Answer Client Questions
Related reading: Embracing Change: A Guide for Real Estate Agents
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