
Increasing our Happiness with an Attitude of Gratitude
December 11, 2021

Increasing our Happiness with an Attitude of Gratitude 

While having more material things might seem like we’re successful, knowing what you are most grateful for is a much more powerful measurement of success.

As a nation, we have just come out of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, Cyber Week sales, and now the hustle and bustle of the holiday season is kicking into high gear, and I want to remind us all before we get too busy with the season to be grateful for what we have. 

For many of you, bills will start piling up from all the gifts purchased for family and friends, and then worry will start to set in. I want to encourage everyone to take a moment to appreciate the gifts you already HAVE.   

I’ve talked about raising our Happiness Baseline before, and you might be thinking, “Sure, that sounds like a nice idea, but with my stress, it’s not going to happen!” This idea is based in science, and I fully believe that it IS possible. We all have highs and lows, but through all of those, we always level off at our happiness baseline. We can actually raise that baseline so that we are happier for longer periods of time. How about that for a gift you can give yourself this season?

TIP: This article by Declutter The Mind dives into why we need to develop an attitude of gratitude and offers tips on how to create this. 

The Gratitude List 

One of the ways we can develop the attitude of gratitude is through the making of lists. There are a number of scientific studies about attitude and gratitude and developing this habit, and it’s shown that making a list of things you are grateful for three times a week will increase that happiness baseline.  

I’m going to challenge you this week. I know that some of you are so busy that you can barely find the time to be appreciative, but I want to challenge you to take 30 seconds (yes, you can spare 30 seconds!). Even right now, take a piece of paper, and in that 30 seconds, write a list of everything you are grateful for, or the blessings and gifts that you have in your life. 

Ready? GO!

Did you make your list? I hope when you read that list, you are reminded of the blessings in your life, and I promise you that doing this 3 times a week (or every day!) will help you feel better than ever. 

TIP: Coming up with things to be grateful for can feel difficult (especially in the beginning), so this article by Laura Conteuse gives 100 examples to jump start your own.  

One natural side-effect of doing this list three times a week is that you may feel an overwhelming urge to share your gratitude with your clients. We have outlined “3 Tips to Show Your Clients Gratitude This Year” so that you can spread the love and grateful feelings! 

What’s Next? 

Are you ready to start taking things to the Next Level®? If you don’t already know what you need to do to get to your next level, we can help!  

Power Agents®, for all the tools, resources, and strategies for hosting an incredible promotion and bringing your clients to you, head to the Farming, Self-Promotion, and Mailings tab in the Classroom.  Whether you need a boost of confidence, or empowering dialogues, we are here to help you get the skills you need to be the go-to agent for the buyers and sellers in your farm area. 

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