
Leveraging the Sale of Your Real Estate Listing Into New Listings
January 22, 2023

Leveraging the Sale of Your Real Estate Listing Into New Listings 

Working hard to build up your book of business? Leverage everything you can to turn one listing success into more listings! 

Even if you haven’t yet developed a lot of marketing savvy, there are ways that you can take a listing that just went into contract (especially if it happened quickly) and use that to reach fence-sitting potential clients.  

TIP: If you are a brand new agent, check out this article to give you the jumpstart you need to get your business rolling! 

How To Promote It 

Lean into the fact that your listing sold to all your marketing. From social media posts to postcards or flyers to emails – let the world know you’ve had a win! Obviously, you won’t share the price until it closes, just in case something changes, but focusing on the fact that it sold quickly is the goal. 

For something to post on social media, you can say something like this: 

“I’m so excited that I was hired to represent this wonderful home and these sellers. We sold it in only 30 days! This is still a great time to sell. If you are just interested in knowing what your house is worth during these changing times, please reach out to me.” 

A social media post or flyer containing that message, paired with a photo of the home, is sending the message that 1) the market is still good, 2) you are the agent to get the job done. 

TIP: Here’s a related article that will be helpful, “The 3-Touch-Point Marketing Plan To Connect with Your Sphere And Farm” 

Answering The Call 

The key to the success of this post or flyer is found in the Call to Action. As much as we wish the folks in our farm areas could instinctively know (and do) exactly what we want them to (call us!), they need direction. Posting the picture and advertising the house as “in contract” will have them thinking, “that’s nice,” but we want them to pick up their phone, which means you need to tell people to take action.  

TIP: This article by Vizion outlines why having a strong Call to Action is important.  

A great call to action might be to offer a Neighborhood Market Report (CMA) or a content-rich flyer like  “The Ten Best Home Improvements for ROI”.  Power Agents, you’ll find LOTS of resources available in the Power Program® classroom. 

TIP: This article by Property Metrics dives into why this real estate market analysis is so important. 

If you are on a budget and aren’t yet able to fund a mailout, take to social media, and hop on the phone and make calls to everyone in the neighborhood. Here’s an example of what to say: 

“Hi, this is Darryl from Power Realty, and the reason I’m calling because one of your neighbors hired me to sell their house. We just put it under contract in record time! We have buyers that want to buy in the area, and I was wondering if you’ve heard of anyone in the neighborhood who’s contemplating selling their house?” 

They will probably say no (though we really hope it’s yes!), but then you can say: 

“Well, what about you? Have you folks ever thought about moving? Because one of the things I offer people in the neighborhood is a free Neighborhood Market Report. This is a great way for you to know what your home is worth.  In a market like this one, a home’s value is always changing, it’s good to stay ahead of what that means for your selling power.” 

What’s Next? 

Are you ready to start taking things to the Next Level®? If you don’t already know what you need to do to get to your next level, we can help!  

Power Agents®, for all the tools, resources, and strategies for hosting an incredible promotion and bringing your clients to you, head to the Social Media Shareables tab in the Classroom.  Whether you need a boost of confidence, or empowering dialogues, we are here to help you get the skills you need to be the go-to agent for the buyers and sellers in your farm area. 

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Start your Power Agent® trialand have total access to every tool we haveincluding letters, dialogues, training tips, webinars on demand, eGuides, and marketing tools for just $5. 

Contact our team today to sign up or get the answers you need: (800) 395-3905! 

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