Weekly Real Estate Coaching = Weekly Wins!
Come for the Real Estate Coaching – Stay for the Weekly WINS.
One of the biggest perks of The Power Program® is the weekly coaching call with Darryl Davis. He starts off every Monday with a “Win Party”, giving everyone an opportunity to share their real estate successes from last week while also learning new tips!
Check out these amazing wins:
- 10 New Listings
- 10 Closings
- 5 Made Phone Calls
- 4 Contracts Accepted
- 3 Closings Scheduled
- 3 Held Successful Trunk or Treat Events
- 2 Listings Under Contract
- 2 Got Referrals
- Got a New Contract for a House Rental
- Closed on their 5th House
- Wrote a VA Offer
- Closed on a Referral
- Met with a Client Ready to List the 21 Properties of their Deceased Relative
- Designed a Just Sold Postcard to Mail out this Week
- Got a Referral for a $1M Buyer
- Got Signed On with a Fabulous New Lead Generating Company
- Handed out 150 Flyers at their Trunk or Treat Event
- Sent Out Pie Flyers
- Sent Out Emails
- Signed a Buyer Agency Agreement
- Participated in a Food Drive and SMILE Stops™
- Has been Chatting with Random People that ask “You’re in Real Estate?” or “You’re a REALTOR®, Right?”
- Walked Around their Neighborhood and Introduced themselves to Neighbors
- Finally Realized they’re a Professional Learner, decided to Drop the “L” and Become a Professional Earner
- Closing with a Difficult Selling REALTOR
- Helped their Brother-in-Law (New Agent) with His First Listing Appointment
- Got a Potential New Agent to Join their Brokerage
- Picked Up an Investor Client as a Buyer
- Bought Toys for Tots & Promoted it on Facebook, Offering a Free Scratch Off for Anyone who Brings in a Donation
Ready to share YOUR real estate wins for the week?
If you’re not yet a Power Agents®- no stress!
You can try us on for size for less than a cup of Starbucks!
You can open the door for an all-access 30-day trial of this extraordinary, success-fueling program for just $5.
That’s it. $5. No contract. No long-term obligation.
Just a wide and wonderful network of success-minded agents with a love of learning and a passion for helping one another, plus Darryl, plus our terrific team, plus a classroom literally packed to the rim with tools and training for every conceivable aspect of your business.
For just $5! You’re totally worth $5!
Imagine what you could do if you had just a snippet of what’s inside The Power Program®! Just a fraction!
Hope to see you on the “inside”! Here’s to your success!
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