
real estate coaching walt disney and perseverance
June 24, 2024

What Walt Disney Can Teach Us About Perseverance

Discover the inspiring tale of Walt Disney—a reminder for real estate agents that resilience, adaptability, creativity, and vision breed lasting success. 

Walt Disney was the walking, talking embodiment of perseverance in the face of failure. His early setbacks, including bankruptcy and losing the rights to a beloved character, could have deterred him from pursuing his dreams. However, he surprised everyone with his unwavering perseverance and resilience. Real estate agents from coast to coast can learn from his example by choosing to have that same determination and not allowing setbacks to define your career. Instead, view failures as stepping stones toward future success and continue pursuing your goals relentlessly.  

Related reading: The Walt Disney Success Story: A Vision Board for Life 

Qualities That Every Agent Needs to Develop Determination 

So, what made Walt Disney such a paragon of perseverance anyways? 

Adaptability and creativity: Disney’s ability to adapt and innovate was crucial to his success. After losing Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, he didn’t dwell on the setback but instead created a new character that captured the hearts of millions: Mickey Mouse. You need to embrace adaptability and creativity in your business similarly. When faced with challenges or changing market conditions, be willing to explore new approaches, adapt strategies, and find innovative solutions to meet clients’ needs. 

Related reading: Tenacity and Training: A Winning Real Estate Prospecting Combo   

Building a strong foundation: Despite financial struggles and skepticism from others, Disney remained focused on his vision of creating an entertainment empire. When something didn’t pan out, he pivoted. When that flopped, he pivoted again! One could say he pivoted so many times that ballerinas were jealous! He established a new studio that laid the foundation for the iconic Disney brand, created a plethora of unique characters, built multiple theme parks, and even developed a multimedia empire. This level of resilience is what you need to create a strong foundation for your career, which includes establishing a solid reputation, cultivating client relationships, and delivering exceptional service. By building a strong foundation based on authenticity and integrity, you can set yourself up for long-term success and growth. 

Related reading: The Power of Critical Thinking in Real Estate 

Embracing creativity and imagination: Disney’s success was built on the power of creativity and imagination. He created enchanting worlds, memorable characters, and captivating stories that continue to resonate with audiences today. You can apply this principle by infusing creativity into your marketing strategies, staging properties imaginatively, and finding unique ways to connect with clients like S.M.I.L.E. Stops. By embracing creativity, you can differentiate yourself and leave a lasting impression on your clients.   

Never losing sight of the big picture: Disney had a grand vision of what his company could become, and he never lost sight of it despite the obstacles he encountered. He never wavered, even when industry insiders and his own stockholders did! He knew exactly what he wanted to create, which drove him to keep going until he achieved it. You can also learn the importance of having a clear vision and long-term goals. By focusing on the bigger picture, you can navigate challenges, make informed decisions, and remain motivated even when things get tough.   

Related reading: PBS – Walt Disney’s Empire 

Walt Disney once said, “All of my obstacles have strengthened me, you may not realize it when it happens, but the kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you.” The remarkable journey of Disney stands as a vivid testament to the indispensable qualities that lie at the core of triumph. It serves as a compelling reminder that the embodiment of resilience, adaptability, boundless creativity, a rock-solid foundation, and an unwavering vision are the quintessential ingredients for achieving remarkable success. 

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