Be Unreasonable: Commit to the Possibilities Before the Plan
Like our forefathers, commit to your possibilities even before you have a plan, embrace your vision and create your OWN path to success.
There was a time in our history where our society looked a lot different than it does today. At that time, there was a group of people that weren’t very happy with their situation, so they got together and they started brainstorming ways they could improve their situation. This conversation lasted for months as they tried to come up with ideas on how to improve their lives. Some people hated the ideas, other people loved them, so they started writing down all the ideas they liked and could agree on. After months of deliberation, creativity, and honest conversation, the Declaration of Independence was signed by all of them, and in 1776, a new nation was born.
The United States of America came out of a committed group of people talking from a position of possibility. Think about it – this nation could have been dead in its tracks if more people were committed more to what always was as opposed to being committed to what’s possible. Did they have all the details worked out? Nope. Did they even have a plan? Not really! They didn’t have a business plan, but they knew how they wanted it to work. They knew the branches of government and the laws they needed, and even though none of it existed yet, they knew where they were going.
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Think about opening up a business. Isn’t creating your business plan the first thing you do? You create projections, understand your expenses and where your revenue will come from, and what kind of marketing you will do. Essentially, you make a plan before you actually commit to starting your business. You make the plan, then commit to the plan. This isn’t what the Fathers of our nation did, however. They didn’t have business plan, but they made the commitment first.
What if you did that this week? What if you made a commitment to what’s possible in your life? Don’t worry about the plan, but just commit to what’s possible. There is so much out there for you, and all you have to do is commit to bringing it into your life.
George Bernard Shaw once said, “The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”
I am inviting you to be unreasonable with yourself this week. Commit to the possibility of what your career could be. Commit to the possibility of what your life could be. Commit to the possibility of what the United States could be. Then, go figure out how to bring your possibility into reality, just like our forefathers did.
Related reading: Tiny Buddha – 50 Ways to Open Your World to New Possibilities
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