Don’t Go it Alone: The Importance of Community in Times of Change
Recent legal developments have upended long-standing industry practices and created uncertainty about the future.
These are unsettled times for real estate professionals. While change is inevitable, the current environment in the wake of the NAR Lawsuit may feel a little defeating and a lot like being lost in the dark. How can you find your way forward during this disruption? The answer lies in community and coaching.
As Darryl shared at the end of his recent training session, Commission Conversations After the NAR Lawsuit Bombshell, this post-lawsuit time of change can feel like stumbling through a dark room filled with obstacles without a light to guide you. The confusion and chaos can be overwhelming, which makes it more important than ever for you, as an agent, not to try and go it alone. The right community, support system, and leadership truly can act as the light you need to navigate this transition with confidence.
The value of belonging to a close-knit community.
Having others who understand the challenges you face and can provide support. Collectively, everyone can help one another to cultivate the much-needed answers to the questions, both big and small, to make uncertain situations clearer. In a diverse community, you also have a wide spectrum of experience levels, insights, and frankly – empathy. In times of stress, it’s important to feel like you have a safe place to vent, share, and connect with others who are going through what you are going through.
Related reading: RealtyNA – Why Community Involvement is so Important for Real Estate Agents?
The importance of having a coach and support system you can count on.
Here is just some of what our members are saying about having Darryl Davis as their real estate coach as we go through this crisis and chaos:
“Extremely helpful! This is very important information we needed to hear. Thank you for all the hard work you put in to helping guide us through this and as always, your passion, it always shows through.” – Joelle Shepard, Beachfront Realty
“Clearest explanation I’ve heard yet of what the lawsuits are about! I’ll definitely be reviewing the slides again on this one! Thank you, Darryl!” – Kris Mitchell, KW Ellis County
“Best explanation of the situation and very helpful forms to deal with the inevitable changes we are facing as agents in the real estate industry today.” – Neale Obedin, RE/MAX Northwest Realtors
“You’re the only speaker/trainer I know that can make such a stressful/boring/super important topic interesting!!!” Marcia Sousa, Weichert Realtors
The incredible thing about Darryl is his instinct in foreseeing what lies ahead and his ability to break down extremely complex information and concepts into terms and facts that are more easily understood and most importantly, deliver the actionable strategies agents need to put into practice in their businesses with more confidence and a whole lot less fear. Less fear is key because we know how it can instantly rob you of bandwidth and ability to respond and adapt quickly in stressful situations. Like the light in the darkness analogy above, think of Darryl, or your coach as that flashlight that helps you navigate through the obstacles.
Related reading: The Crucial Role of Coaching in Lifelong Learning and Boosting Mental Health
This powerful combination of community and coaching gives you the tools to master disruption.
Here are a few steps you can take to feel less alone in all this and more like you have a handle on how to move forward:
- Make participating in your professional community a priority. Whether that is by being active in an online group, attending industry meetups, diving into training on these hot topics with your colleagues, connecting with your peers or a combination of all of these things, now is the time to stay plugged in with others to share concerns, strategies, and perspective.
- Find a real estate coach. Obviously, we’re a little partial here, but understand more than ever before, an experienced coach can provide tailored guidance to address your specific business needs right now and leverage the fact that they will do the heavy lifting of wading through the news and changes for you and break it all down into what’s most important in the here and now.
- Remember that your broker is your business partner. As rules and regulations change in our industry your broker is the one “driving the bus” as Darryl would say in terms of how your company and the agents in it adapt to those rules and changes. Share with them what you are learning and the tools you are finding to see if they are something that would make sense for your team to adopt.
- Communicate proactively and transparently with clients. Provide clarity about how you will continue delivering excellent service and tremendous value in the midst of all these industry changes and that for you – that commitment has never wavered or been questioned.
- Focus on value and relationships. Highlight with honesty how you guide clients with expertise versus being a “transactional” agent in it for a commission. Now is the time to nurture connections and build relationships.
Disrupters will always be part of our industry and our world – and this NAR Commission Lawsuit is a big one for sure. One that is already creating ripples and waves in the way we will do business in the future. HOWEVER, what we want you all to remember is that disruption also carries with it seeds of opportunity and that’s where having a community and a coach to help you cultivate those seeds is so incredibly valuable.
We are here to help provide the resources you need and the support systems so vital through this crisis and every one that will follow.
To stay in the know about what is happening with this lawsuit and our industry, bookmark this Resource Hub that is filled to the brim with training, tools, articles, and more!
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