Home Sellers 101: What a Homeowner REALLY Wants When They List With You
What are homeowners REALLY looking for when they list with you? The best deal? The most efficient process? Or something else entirely? Let’s take a look!
Wise real estate professionals know the real estate industry like the back of their hand. They know their farm area and the folk who live in it, comps, local businesses, and the VIPs in their sphere of influence. They even know what to say when someone calls them wanting to list!
But… do they know (and do YOU) what sellers REALLY want when they are looking to hire an agent?
It might not be what you think!
What a Homeowner is Really Looking For
It’s easy to believe that the real reason homeowners hire you to list their homes is because they want their homes sold—the end. However, while that is one of the biggest services that real estate agents provide, it’s so much more than completing a transaction — it’s about all the intangible things that come with hiring an agent.
1. Someone who genuinely cares about them.
Homeowners don’t just want an efficient process—they want to know they will be taken care of. Whether it’s offering advice on how to stage their home or helping them find a great moving company at discounted rates, these little extras show that you care about your client and their satisfaction with your services. From keeping them in the loop on a regular basis to ensuring that no detail is overlooked, these are often small touches that can have an outsized impact on customer satisfaction.
2. Someone who’s going to fight for their best interests.
While real estate professionals have a fiduciary duty to their sellers, going above and beyond that call of duty throughout the whole process gives your sellers the peace of mind they are looking for. When they have no doubts that you are 100% in their corner and negotiating your heart out to get them the very best deal possible, they will be loyal for life!
3. Someone with the skills to navigate the process efficiently and effectively.
When listing with an agent, homeowners want to know that things will go smoothly and efficiently throughout the process. This means being proactive and responsive in communication, staying organized throughout each step of the way, and ensuring everything is done correctly and on time. In other words, there should be no surprises or delays during the buying or selling process!
4. Someone with a well-established track record.
Homeowners want to know that their agent has been in the business for a while and is familiar with the market conditions in their area. They want to be confident that their agent has a proven track record of success when it comes to helping other clients sell their homes quickly and efficiently. For new agents who might not have this proven track record yet, use the success of your brokerage, your team, your confidence, and your preparedness to give them the peace of mind they are in the right hands.
5. Someone with skills in negotiating.
Negotiations are a necessary part of the process when selling a home, so it’s important that your clients feel comfortable and confident that you can handle them professionally and effectively on their behalf. Remember what we said about going above and beyond? You should also take the time to explain (and answer any questions about) the entire transaction process (from start to finish) clearly so that your clients feel confident about each step along the way. Think of this as giving them the roadmap to go from one destination to another, highlighting the route you intend to take, but also taking the time to discuss detours (like when negotiations don’t go the way you hope) and how you will handle them.
Related reading: How to Counter Difficult Contingencies in a Real Estate Offer
6. Someone who has professionalism and integrity.
Professionalism always comes first when dealing with customers, so make sure that you always conduct yourself in a courteous and respectful manner from the very first meeting all the way through closing day (and beyond). Additionally, demonstrate your integrity by following through on any promises you make throughout the sales process and always being honest about what you can (and cannot) do for your clients.
7. Someone who is flexible and can think outside the box to solve problems.
Your clients need someone who is knowledgeable about all aspects of real estate, as well as willing to remain open-minded when it comes to considering potential buyers’ offers or requests during negotiations. Flexibility is key here, as situations may arise during this process where being able to think outside of the box can really help seal the deal! Also, some problems that arise may need creative solutions so that you can continue to serve your client’s best interests.
8. Someone with strong communication skills.
Good communication skills are essential when working with buyers or sellers since they will need someone who can explain complex processes or paperwork clearly and concisely without leaving anything out or making them feel overwhelmed or confused by it all! Being able to keep everyone updated regularly via emails/calls/texts will also go a long way towards helping build trust between both parties involved!
9. Someone who has a positive attitude.
Homeowners are often nervous about selling their homes. They may be asking themselves if this is the right decision or questioning if they should have waited. They may be feeling some resentment at not selling earlier when the housing market was more favorable, so having an agent that has a positive outlook on life (and on the current market) will go far in providing your clients with an enjoyable experience throughout this potentially stressful process! They want someone who is optimistic but realistic at the same time—someone who isn’t afraid to take chances but also knows how important details can be too!
10. Someone who will be honest and present all options for consideration.
When selling their home, homeowners want you to be honest about everything from pricing their property correctly to marketing it effectively. This means being upfront about any potential issues or concerns that could affect the sale of the house—no matter how small or insignificant they may seem—and providing advice on how to address them accordingly. Honest communication is key when it comes to establishing trust between you and your client; if they feel like you aren’t being honest with them, chances are they won’t be happy with the outcome of the sale. Many agents make the mistake of thinking that it’s their job to tell the homeowners what to do, but the truth is, it’s the agent’s job to present all options, and make any recommendations that the homeowner asks for, but ultimately, it’s the homeowner who decides. It’s your job to present all options honestly so the seller can make an informed decision.
11. Someone who knows the value of maintaining good relationships.
Homeowners rely heavily on relationships during this process; not only does having established relationships with other agents and vendors in the area make marketing easier but maintaining a great relationship with your sellers is key to their enjoyment and success in this process. As such, homeowners need an agent who will take care of them throughout each step of this journey—from finding prospective buyers all the way through closing day. If your clients don’t feel like you’re invested in helping them sell their homes quickly and efficiently, then chances are they won’t be thrilled with how things turn out overall.
Related reading: How to Deliver a Powerful Listing Presentation
Peace of Mind
At its core, homeowners don’t hire you to sell their homes. That is the end result, but the truth is, they hire you because you give them what they cannot give themselves: peace of mind. They hire you so they can know they are in good hands and they have someone with the knowledge, skills, and expertise to secure their best interests, so they don’t have to stress about it. They want a real estate pro who can help them reach their next level in life.
Related reading: WordStream – 12 Actionable Ways to Build Client Relationships That Last
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