Quick Guide: How to Host a New Homeowner’s Workshop
Hosting a real estate workshop is a great way to attract new clients, as well as forge networking opportunities with others.
This quick guide will give you a brief outline of what you need to make the best use of this opportunity.
With the new year comes new opportunities, new goals, and new ways of doing business. For many real estate agents, it’s the perfect time to host a “New Homeowner’s Workshop” as people come out of the holiday season with the intention of starting the search for a new home. The biggest problem agents face? They don’t know how to run one! Thankfully, we are here to give you some guidance and ideas on how to host one.
TIP: This related article dives into the 3 stages of buyer readiness. This workshop aims to locate those in stage 1.
In-Person or Virtual?
The first thing you need to decide is whether you are going to host one in person or virtually. Keep the safety of your attendees in mind, as well as the current pandemic restrictions in your area as you make this decision.
Other things to keep in mind if choosing the virtual option is your platform. Do you have enough spaces for everyone who wants to attend? Zoom offers different levels of service which allow for different “Class” sizes and time allowances. If hosting in person, do you have a venue large enough to support social distancing and the number of patrons allowed inside?
TIP: This article by Embrace Home Loans provides some additional ideas on how to set up your presentation.
Promoting Your Event
We have a number of flyers and promotional material pieces in our Power Program® Classroom which allow you to highlight the topics that will be covered, as well as showcase (with photos) who your guest speakers will be.
Not only are you sending this invitation to your potential buyers, but your guest speakers can also send the invitation out to their own book of business, bringing potential clients in whom you may not have had before.
Also, promoting this on social media, and tagging your guest speakers will alert everyone in their social media world to your event as well.
TIP: Check out our related article: “5 Important Tips For Posting on Your Real Estate Social Media Account”
Choosing A Format
If you plan your event to run for approximately an hour to an hour and a half (which is a pretty standard length of workshop), you can have 2 guest speakers, giving them 20 minutes each, leaving you 20 minutes, and then allow 30 minutes or so at the end for a question and answer time.
Hold a Raffle!
Not only is a raffle fun, but it provides incentive for people to attend, AND gives you several leads that you can follow up with after. When people arrive, have them fill out the guest card for the raffle item, but you can also include qualifying questions on there such as:
- How long have you lived in your current home?
- Have you thought about moving?
- If you were planning to move, where would you move to?
- Would you be interested in knowing the current value of your home?
TIP: Check out Givebutter’s article: “27 amazing raffle ticket prizes for every budget” for some top-notch raffle prize ideas.
What’s Next?
Are you ready to start taking things to the Next Level®? We have everything you need to develop new skills and master the ones you already have!
Power Agents®, for some great ideas on how to wow your sphere and farm, spread some love, and show your contacts list how valuable you are, take a peek at the amazing content in the Farming, Self-promotion, and Mailings tab in the Classroom.
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