Stop Prospecting and Start Sharing
A small shift in mindset when prospecting for your real estate business is sometimes all it takes to make a big difference.
I love the quote by Dr. Wayne Dyer…
“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
It’s so true – in life, love, businesses – and yes, even prospecting!
Look, I know a lot of you don’t like prospecting. The thought of picking up the phone makes some of break out into hives. It feels weighty, burdensome, intrusive – and even that dreaded word – “salesy”.
I get it. I do, however, have a “trick” for you.
Well, not really a trick – but a prospecting perspective shift that you can make that can make all the difference, and that is to share, not sell.
A Mindset Shift
I want you to think about what happens when you have an amazing experience or find something you really love. Maybe that’s a great movie, a new binge-worthy show, or an extraordinary restaurant. You can’t WAIT to tell your friends and family about it, right? I mean, when something is so good – you just have to share it!
I want you to look at your prospecting that way. I want you to get so excited, so enamored with this business and the service you provide that can 1000% help people that you can’t wait to share all about it. Can’t wait to help someone. When you do, it’s not prospecting – it’s sharing and communicating and serving.
What can you get excited about TODAY that can help you make that shift?
- An awesome new listing
- Getting a Buyer’s Agreement Signed
- New lead coming in
- New skill you’ve learned
- New tool that will make your business easier
- New guide like a Seller’s Guide or Buyer’s Guide that you can you to not just attract business, but really provide a roadmap for sellers and buyers
- New associate at your company that is eager to learn
- Great relationship with your broker who you know has your back
- New training program that sparks ideas for you
Get SOLD Yourself
See, for some of you, the best possible thing you could do for your career right now STOP SELLING real estate and get SOLD yourself on why you are in this business. What you bring to the table. How much value and worth you bring to your communities. Because if you’re not SOLD yourself on you, your worth, your skills, your company, this industry – that complete comes through in how you are showing up for your clients and customers.
Top Agents KNOW
Top agents practically exude confidence and charisma – and while SOME of that is skill and experience, a lot of that is a mental mindset that they KNOW they can help people. They know hands-down that they can save a FSBO money, negotiate and fight for their buyers to get an offer accepted, know beyond any doubt they are and advocate for their clients and communities.
Because they KNOW that and present themselves as that – they don’t to “sell” or “prospect” – they get up every day and SERVE and SHARE, and more business is attracted to them in the process. Phone calls go smoother because they aren’t trying to technique someone – they are having real world conversations, communicating with care, and answering real-world questions.
A Little Homework
Before you pick up another phone of block another minute of prospecting time – make an appointment with yourself to make a list of at least five things you can feel passionate about in this business. Five things that when you talk about them with someone you can speak with conviction – and speak from your heart, not just your head.
Those five things should then become the center of your listing and buyer conversations, because they are the things that light you up, make you smile, and will transfer that enthusiasm to your clients. They will also take you to your personal Next Level in your career.
A Powerful Guide
For our Power Agents®, we created a customizable eGuide that they can share with clients that outlines the 184 Things (yep, you read that right – one hundred and EIGHTY-FOUR things) that agents do to earn their commission. From long before they even sit down to the listing table to staging and showing and marketing and negotiating and getting the closing paperwork across the finish line and everything in between.
When one of them is struggling – we point them to that document to look for validation for what they do. When they get it in their head that, “well, maybe a FSBO should just sell it on their own,” we point them there, and to the wide spectrum of documents, flyers, facts, and statistics that 100% show that a FSBO should not be a FSBO.
Listen, I’m a skills coach, always have been. I love nothing more than to…
- Teach agents the skills they need to succeed with ease.
- Use metaphors and analogies to communicate more effectively.
- Use proven dialogue to stay on track when you’re on the phone.
- Get “in the room” with the sellers and selling agent to get your offer accepted.
- Get a Buyer’s Agency Agreement signed every time
- Host the kind of open house that leads to a whole new stream of business
Skills are certainly the foundation-builders agents need to succeed – but so is mindset. So is fostering a belief and faith that what you do makes a difference.
Helping agents to see and believe that to their core is a big part of what we do here. As a team – and as a community. Every day in our member group we see Power Agents® lifting each other up, cheering each other on, solving problems, answering questions, and even holding each other accountable.
You know what that is?
Because we’ve come to a place, they’ve come to a place – where we are all so passionate about sharing these tools, skills, experiences, and support network with one another and helping each other grow.
You know, with the right skills, support, and MINDSET – YOU too can love what you do. You can pick up the phone without it feeling like a chore or a burden or something to fear. You can turn prospecting into sharing, “selling” into serving, and “closing” into coaching.
Our Power Agents® do it every day.
Power Agents, you’ll find lots of tools to be more proactive, productive, mindful, and courageous in our Time and Money Management tab in the Classroom.
Also, grab your copy of the 184 Things Agents Do to Earn Their Commission here.
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Not yet a Power Agent®? Give yourself and your business a huge step forward and try us for $5. That’s it. $5. In return, we’ll deliver weekly coaching, give you everything you need to not only get on track for your goals but truly start LOVING what you do again.
Oh, and you’ll get this awesome, amazing, affirmation-fueling eguide!
PLUS – we’ll infuse your days with reasons to smile and SHARE – and you’ll watch your inventory and income grow exponentially. Contact our team today at (800) 395-3905 if you have any questions!
Need help? Contact our team today at (800) 395-3905!