How to Achieve Your Real Estate Goals
Achieving your real estate goals can be faster and more rewarding when they are fueled by purpose.
Achieving your real estate goals can be faster and more rewarding when they are fueled by purpose.
Real estate success stories sometimes seem born from “luck”, but more often than not, they are the results of having the right tools and systems to build upon.
In elementary school, we learned “early to bed and early to rise makes one healthy, wealthy, and wise.” It’s as true now as it was then, and getting up 30 minutes earlier than your competition can prove it.
Powerfact: You’ve got to work ON your business, not just IN it.
POWERFACT: Your thoughts become your focus. Your focus determines your results. By Real Estate Coach and Speaker Darryl Davis, CSP I was having a conversation with my son who was going through a difficult time. I asked him to look around the room and look for everything that was black then close his eyes. I […]