What I Have Learned From The Tokyo Olympics
The Olympics have long been an occasion that brought people together to see the best of the best compete, but it is so much more than that – it’s about a shared passion for their sport.
I watched a lot of the Olympics, and I had an epiphany the other day and I wanted to share some powerful things with you. Now, I’m not really into sports, but there have been some really interesting things occurring.
Powerful Stories
Simone Biles is an American gymnast, and she ended up dropping out of part of the competition in order to take care of her mental and physical health. Some of her teammates competed in the events she was supposed to be participating in, but rather than be jealous or upset, she would be there on the sidelines cheering on her teammates, and being really excited when they did well!
Annie Lazor, and American swimmer, missed the gold medal by 2 seconds, barely missed the silver, and ended up winning the bronze. But, the part she was most elated about was the fact that the South African swimmer, Tatiana Schumacher, who was swimming right next to her, actually set a new world record. She wasn’t excited to win a bronze medal, she was excited for her competitor who did an incredible thing — broke a world record!
Denmark beat China in the volleyball singles, and the two players actually exchanged their t-shirts as a sign of respect to one another.
Gianmarco Tamberi of Italy and Mutaz Barshim of Qatar tied in the high jump, and they were supposed to go through a jump-off to determine one winner, but instead, they chose to share the gold medal.
It blows my mind that in the 800-meter race, Nijel Amos accidently tripped the American runner, Isaiah Jewett and they both went down. Were there hard feelings? No! They helped each other up off the track and ran together to finish the race, shoulder to shoulder.
TIP: Check out this incredible article, “Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: What I Learned Watching the Tokyo Games”
The Common Thread
What do all these amazing stories have in common? Their passion for their sport. There’s no room for ego, resentment, or jealousy because the love they have for their sport was bigger than their own individual wants and desires.
What really inspired me about all of these incredible stories of sportsmanship, I thought of all the Power Agents®.
You are the Olympians of real estate. What I’ve noticed during this last year is how you share your struggles and successes, you are on the coaching calls every week, you are helping each other out on the Facebook group, and there is this overall love of the real estate industry. Real estate is the tool by which you help buyers and sellers because there is a loving care for other people, and that’s what makes you special.
All of us here at Power Headquarters feel honored to work with you and help each of you get to your Next Level®. Going into this week, keep this idea always in mind of sportsmanship…of passion for your work…of helping people…and the money will naturally follow.
What’s Next?
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