How Decisive Decisions Are Empowered by Your Core Values
Making decisions can be challenging when you fear making the wrong choices. Your core values can provide valuable guidance in navigating the right path forward.
Making decisions can be challenging when you fear making the wrong choices. Your core values can provide valuable guidance in navigating the right path forward.
Facing our fears might be easier said than done, but we have nothing to lose and everything to gain by facing them head-on.
As these Antitrust Lawsuits continue to dominate the minds of real estate professionals, we wanted to take time to dive in and fully understand the claims the plaintiffs made and to acknowledge or debunk them as needed.
In a changing market, the best thing to do is NOT focus on the “new” shiny strategies but on the proven old-school practices that build businesses.
The real estate industry is no stranger to change and controversy. In times of uncertainty, it’s up to leaders to guide agents through uncertain seas.
It’s easy to get distracted when faced with so much uncertainty and change, but it’s more important than ever to stay focused as we head into the last quarter to finish the year strong.
The real estate industry is always changing, but with the current NAR commission antitrust lawsuits, it’s changing faster than ever. We are here to keep you informed.
Ready to get a handle on what this NAR class action lawsuit is, what it isn’t, and how it will affect your future, keep reading!
New 10-minute training scripts and tips to help agents navigate commission conversations in the wake of NAR Lawsuits.
In the midst of an ongoing antitrust trial that has the potential to reshape how real estate agents are compensated, we feel it’s crucial to stand behind industry professionals and offer guidance as they navigate this uncertain terrain.
Leadership isn’t just about managing transactions; it’s about shaping a vision, inspiring a team, and driving success.
Real estate leaders can benefit from identifying their ideal leadership style that aligns with both their individual personality and the unique requirements of their team.