Search Results for: real-estate-coach-darryl-davis

Integrity is About Conforming Your Reality Around Your Words

People often talk about integrity in real estate. They mean things like “sticking to your price” or “not bending the rules.” But integrity isn’t about following the status quo—it’s about doing what’s right, even when no one is looking.  

3 Killer Tools to Pre-Sell Your Listings

Powerfact:  Selling the intangible has been a challenge for as long as real estate has been a business. How to make clients see what doesn’t exist, but can, and will. Selling a property before it’s been built is now attainable, realistic, and well within your reach.

3 Conversations Every Agent Needs to Master 

Every conversation in real estate is like a dance, and mastering each of these dances is the key to serving our buyers and sellers, and winning the listing even in this competitive market.  

Darryl’s Story OLD

Darryl’s Story My Story Like many entrepreneurs, my story started with struggle. The kind that changes the way you look at life, people and your future. At the age of fourteen my father passed away, leaving me untethered in many ways and with a mom not really capable of effectively managing her own life, much […]

Free Item – Top Ideas from Darryl Davis’ Seminar

TOP IDEAS FROM Darryl Davis’ SEMINAR Some of the most important ideas to implement after Darryl Davis’ seminar: Not having listings is like a shoe store with no shoes Focus not on getting listings but building listing inventory (use a chart) As a marketing agent, your market is your fellow Realtor® not buyers Have a […]