“Stage Time” Isn’t Just for Showbiz Anymore
“Stage Time” is woven into the fabric of everything we do in a day, from calling new leads to sitting down at a listing appointment. It’s all time spent perfecting our craft.
By Real Estate Coach and Speaker Darryl Davis, CSP
There’s an old showbiz term that I love, “Stage time”. I’ve been watching this show called “Hacks.” It’s about this famous comedian who has an ongoing show in Las Vegas, and she’s getting older and worried about getting pushed out of her #1 spot by someone younger, so she’s trying to come up with new material. She goes to this small club where she started out in her career as a comedian, and she spent an evening getting “stage time” — time on stage practicing her new material to work out her content and timing, practicing it over and over again in front of a live audience to perfect it.
Lessons from a Friend
A good friend of mine, Nido Qubein, is a speaker, but he’s also the president of High Point University. Nido taught me early on in my speaking career about something he did. He always used this opening joke in the first 5 minutes of his speech, and how the audience reacted to that joke told him the type of room he was dealing with. He would then understand how to set the tone and pattern and how to tailor his speech, based on the audience he was in front of. That ability came from practicing that joke in front of people over and over again, getting “stage time.”
TIP: Here are some other tips we can all learn from the world of comedy: “5 Productivity Tips from Stand-Up Comedy”
What “Stage Time” Means For Real Estate Agents
As real estate professionals, we need to adopt this idea into our day-to-day activities as well. What holds a lot of agents back is the fear that we won’t get the results that we want. You worry that you aren’t doing it the right way, or you aren’t doing it perfectly the first time, and this fear of failure keeps you from trying. This is my advice to you…
Everything you are doing is getting “stage time”.
You sit in front of your live audience (buyers and sellers) or you talk to them on the phone. Don’t focus on getting the listing appointment but look at the appointment or call as an opportunity for you to practice your material. To master the conversation, you need to practice it over and over with clients to get the skills and ability to read the room. Stage time!
Here’s a great quick read about Fear and Prospecting…
It takes experience and practice (and even some good old jazz hands!), and if you think about every conversation as getting stage time to work out your material, you will gain that mastery. It takes a lot of time and energy, but when you practice enough and gain that experience, you will make that conversations seem effortless!
TIP: Read more about gaining confidence as a real estate agent here!
What’s Next?
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