Wearing Your Good Attitude Like a Coat
Like the weather, life can have its stormy weather. Preparing for that means we need a coat of positivity to keep us protected from the negative elements.
This morning, I had an idea while I was getting ready to head to the office — we should put on our good attitudes every morning in the same way we put on our coats on every day.
So, how did that thought come to me? Well, the weather here in New York is starting to shift a little bit and get cold, and I realized as I was pulling my coat on that I needed a better winter coat. My current one was getting worn and it wasn’t as warm as it once was, so I need to find a better one. My attitude towards my old coat was not exactly positive, and in that moment, my mind made an odd connection. Our attitudes start getting worn and need to be replaced by better ones too.
That got me thinking — The positivity protects us from the negative elements just like our coats protect us from the cold and stormy weather!
TIP: Check out this great article on emotional contagions by Mindful Ambition on staying positive when surrounded by negativity.
Deciding What Coat You Need Each Day
I had to think a little deeper now to our decision-making process on how we decide how to go out into the world — if the weather is stormy, we might put on a raincoat and galoshes, or if it’s snowing, we have a warm coat, boots, and a wool hat. We go out into the world protecting ourselves and our bodies. Different coats for different purposes.
I think we need to do the same thing with our attitudes when we are going out into the world dealing with human beings. Sometimes it can be stormy, and sometimes we are faced with a challenge, and when that happens, we need to wear our positivity around us. Some days, we need that good attitude like we need a full suit of armor, but no matter what we face, there is a positive attitude to guard us.
TIP: Read this related article “The Science of Smiling.’
So What Does This Positivity Coat Look Like?
I believe our coat of positive attitude should come in the form of serving, not selling, coaching, not closing, and being grateful for what we have in our life.
There are people out there who aren’t happy with themselves, or happy with the world. You see them all over the place, which is why we need to always protect ourselves and our mental health from those stormy encounters. In fact, the idea of going out to hand coats out to people that need them reminds me also about sharing our positive attitudes to make someone else’s day a little better. You are not an accident. You were put on this planet to make a difference in people’s lives.
Share your coats and your positive attitudes, and let’s make this world a warmer place!
TIP: Here’s a fun little positivity test you can enjoy!
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Power Agents®, for some great ideas on how to spread some love and positivity, make your clients SMILE with a card from the Greeting Cards tab in the Classroom.
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