Eight Great Tools for Creating Real Estate Success Stories
Real estate success stories sometimes seem born from “luck”, but more often than not, they are the results of having the right tools and systems to build upon.
By Julie Escobar
We did a deep dive on what real estate success stories look and feel like for different people, and some of the stories got a little personal and emotional.
Sometimes success stories are like that, right? You catch a glimpse of what others say and read how they turned impossible to possible, and you start to think, “Hey, I can do that too!”
You can.
Some may get there by “luck” or by being at the right place at the right time – but mostly top real estate agents get there by hard work, a love of learning, and a steady system of tools, training, and support.
That’s what we’re here to talk about today.
The Eight Great Tools for Creating Real Estate Success Stories
For more than 30 years, I’ve seen real estate success stories and failures, and both sides of the coin have some pretty common denominators.
Let’s focus on what the success stories have in common.
ONE: They have a Business Plan.
Before you say, “Boring!” – remember, if you’re in this business, you are your business. When you are your business, working without a plan is like being a trapeze artist without a net or safety wire. It can get pretty scary.
Our motto here at Power Agent® Headquarters is the help people design lives and careers worth smiling about. So scary isn’t what we’re about! That’s why we developed…
The 3-Part Breakthrough Business Plan for Real Estate Agents.
What I hope you’ll love about it is that it’s not your typical one-page, fill-in-the-blanks-then-stick-in-a-drawer real estate business plan. It’s robust and powerful and walks you through three different phases of building your real estate business.
- How to create NOW business. The kind that can get a commission check in your pocket sooner, rather than later. It takes you on a deep dive of the strategies you can put in place right now to start earning cash within 60-90 days or less. (Who doesn’t want that?)
- How to create FUTURE business. Now we’re talking building that book of business and an effective farm. Cultivating and nurturing long term customer relationships that will, in turn, deliver referrals and business to you on a consistently clockwork-type basis. Ever meet one of those top real estate agents that never have to prospect because they are at the point where referrals are coming to them in a steady stream? That’s what we want for you too!
- How to create FINANCIAL FREEDOM. This is for the agent that’s gotten their foundation under them a little. They’re rocking referrals, their farm is flourishing, and now they’re ready to start creating wealth. Darryl takes you on a quest to first understand where you are financially, then create a goal for where you want to be, then maps out how you can create the financial freedom that will allow you to lead a comfortable life without the stress of money woes.
So, the first tool of creating your real estate success story is to have a business plan! Lucky for you – we’ve got that covered.
Power Agents®, head over to the Time and Money Management Tools button in your classroom and download your copy today (and a bunch of other really cool tools for growing your business in record time!)
Not a Power Agent®? No problem! Download your copy of this valuable tool here!
Have fun with it, then seriously, come back and join our Power Agent Program® because, I promise, for the tiny investment of $5 for your first 30-days of all access to this incredible network of people, coaching and training and live Q&A with the delightful and gifted real estate coach Darryl Davis every week, plus a rock-star lineup of more than 500 tools, training, and skill-building components in the classroom, you can’t go wrong.
TWO: They Have a CRM (Customer Relationship Manager).
Darryl always jokes when we first start talking about CRMs and makes up all kinds of funny renditions of what the acronym might stand for such as Constantly Reminding Me, or Consistent Real Money … but really, it’s all about customer relationship management.
There are SO many benefits to using a CRM.
It’s a system that allows you to put all the components of your book of business into one place so you can organize it and be consistent in your marketing, follow up, and ability to serve your customers.
I’ve been around this business long enough to have seen severely rough patches in our industry where people had to “hang up their hat” and leave because of market crashes, bubbles bursting, and disruption they couldn’t handle. It was really sad to see those that had spent 10-20 years in this business just leave, with little to show for it.
Why did that happen? They didn’t have a CRM. They had no manageable book of business. They were like a lot of agents, just always chasing the next deal. Trust me, that’s not a recipe for creating real estate success stories.
Not All CRMs Are Created Equal
We did the homework. Vetted a LOT of CRM Companies. When we chose Ixact Contact® to partner with us to build a Power Agent® version of their CRM called The Power Builder®, we did so because they have these important features that we think are invaluable to a real estate agent’s success.
- Extraordinary customer support. We’re talking live human beings who know what they are doing, what you need, and how to help!
- Goal tracking components. This system easily helps you track what your business goals are and lets you know when you’re ahead or behind so you can constantly “adjust your sails” – or sales!
- Follow up campaigns. Robust in nature, this system is packed with follow up drip email and marketing campaigns to make sure you are always top-of-mind.
- “Done for you” content. Loaded with tools and content that you are free to customize however you like – but the beauty is, you don’t have to.
- Power Agent® specific content. Those top producing letters and flyers that you see in the Classroom? We’ve funneled those right into the Power Builder® so you have much of your marketing all in one place.
- A user-friendly website. Love that this system comes with a website that includes lead capture options for our agents.
- Social streaming. Power Builder® customers can enjoy an automated service that takes the guess work out of their social media marketing with a set-and-forget system for auto-posting to your networking platforms.
But wait… there’s more.
There was a time in this industry where you didn’t really need a CRM to stay competitive and grow. That time has passed. We’d love for you to learn more about this very important tool for creating your real estate success story – the CRM.
Check out the Power Builder® today!
THREE: They Have a Real Estate Coach.
Think about it – every leader in every industry has a coach. From Olympic athletes to business moguls to star performers – there’s a lot that goes into crafting a successful career. Even the “overnight sensations” usually take years to hone their skills.
That’s why it’s important to hire a coach.
All right, we might be a little biased here, but let me refer back to my 30+ years in this business. I’ve seen coaches of every size, shape, and specialty, and I have to say, bar-none – Darryl’s the best.
Not just because he’s my business partner – though it is WHY I choose him as a business partner. Let’s me “count the ways” of why I promise you he’s the best real estate coach you can get in today’s industry.
Darryl Davis, Real Estate Coach
He’s smart. Not just any kind of smart – the street kind of smart. The skills kind of smart. The eye-on-the-ball kind of smart. The 30+ years of experience living, eating, and breathing this business kind of smart. To compete in today’s market? You need a SMART coach.
“The ability to have Darryl weekly share his amazing knowledge and inspire my mindset, actions, and abilities live on our coaching calls is right up there in what I love about this program! He can change your business.” – Joanne Mills
He’s compassionate. Listen, we’ll be the first to tell you we can get a little sappy around here. Especially me. Darryl can be tough as nails when he needs to be – but he’s got a compassionate streak that is 1,000 miles long. It’s why he teaches agents to serve, not sell and remember to be a human being – not a human doing. For our Power Agents®, it’s those little difference-makers – the fact that he listens, really listens, and cares that makes them know they are in the right place with the right coach.
“I was drawn to real estate because I felt the world would benefit from more heart-centered REALTORS. I was drawn to Darryl because he (and his entire team) is the epitome of a heart-centered real estate guru! I love seeing evidence every week that I was right!” – Kathryn Tarlin
He’s all about SKILL building and community. There are a lot of coaches out there who specialize in many different areas. For Darryl, it’s about teaching the skills you need to consistently build inventory, negotiate with confidence, speak from your heart and not your head (no canned scripts), and build a referral base that will take you through your entire career with more ease.
“I dare you find any program that gives you as much as Darryl’s program gives. Darryl’s messages at the end of his coaching call, the website that you’ve put together, the content, the seminars, the emails, the texts, the private group, the interaction; there’s just so much! The Power Program’s success can be traced back to the entire community’s desire to give to and invest in each other.” – George Rosario
NOT your typical coaching call. There are a lot of sit-and-listen coaching calls out there. There are some that are topic-driven, some that are recorded messages with tasks assigned. Rarely will you see or hear the kind of coaching sessions you’ll find with Darryl. For almost two hours every single week, you’ll find Darryl in the trenches with our Power Agents®. We problem-solve on the fly, create breakthroughs from breakdowns, celebrate each other’s wins, support one another when there is a problem, and keep everyone up to speed on what is happening in the market right now, and what is on the horizon. There’s not a better way to start the week.
“I love the Monday weekly coaching calls because they are loaded with such great advice and content.” – Janet Livingston
He keeps it affordable. You simply will not find a more robust coaching, training, and marketing program in the industry. You won’t. Many of Darryl’s colleagues in the coaching field charge hundreds per month, some thousands – and that’s fine.
The Big Goal
Our goal is to help as many agents as possible to reach their goals, and that’s tough to do when the monthly expense is through the roof. We have members who are six and seven figure earners, and they are still there on the Monday calls and Wednesday webinars because they know training and coaching is how the best keep getting better.
We’ve got brand new agents in the program who are just starting out and need to build a foundation with very little budget, but they know that a small investment per month for a one-stop shop of solid coaching, training, AND marketing and business tools would cost them ten times as much if they were to try to get it all separately.
“I’ve said it before, will say it again… Where else can all this information be found in one place? Thank you, Darryl and entire Team. The price we pay for being a Power Agent® is so worth the price (plus)!” – Pam Dammerman
Ready to take YOUR business to the Next Level®?
Get a Coach – Darryl Davis – and meet us on Monday’s Call!
He’ll make you remember all the reasons you started in this business and give you all the more reasons to take yourself to the top!
FOUR: They Have a Support System
That no man is an island thing is completely real. Whatever you envision for your real estate success story, it’s probably not all work and no play with no one else in the wings, right?
We’re human beings. The need for connection and support is in our DNA. Plus, it’s just no fun when you’re trying to reinvent the wheel and fly totally solo in this business.
The good news is you don’t have to.
From our incredible Closed Facebook Group to our Power Agent® Directory, our members are finding that sharing referrals, finding role-playing partners, creating local Power Groups, and finding new friends is simple and rewarding.
And then there’s our team who are always there jumping in to help whenever and however we can.
“Thank you, Darryl Davis for being a great coach and all the positive feedback I receive from you, your team, and the members of this group, it really has been the catalyst that has taken me from stagnant to ACTION. I’m going to take the things I learned today and become a FSBO listing machine this month!” – Erica Bassett
If you’re looking for a support system that can take you from where you are now to where you want to be – look no further!
Join the Power Program® Network today!
If we’ve learned anything at all in the last couple of years, it’s that there is ALWAYS more to learn. Markets and sales are cyclical in nature – so there’s always a challenge keep improving your ability to “ride the real estate roller coaster” (without getting motion sickness)!
Technology and market disrupters will also continue to be a challenge – ensuring the very real need to continuously update your skills, your knowledge base, and know when it’s time to hit reset on your mindset.
That’s where Darryl has really leaned in and done the heavy lifting. In 2020, we saw how much agents were struggling with their changing and challenging new business models, steep learning curves, and even fear,
That’s when we began weekly webinars every Wednesday to help agents know they a consistent, packed to the brim resource to learn what they needed to learn, as they needed to learn it.
Darryl calls it a time of “building an airplane, while flying it, with our hair on fire” – it’s a pretty accurate description of our team effort to bring new and important training to you all through all the chaos.
Topics like…
- What to Do Now That Zillow is a Competing Brokerage
- How to Become a Listing Machine
- The Top Ten Sales Scripts for Building Listing Inventory
- How to Own Your Farm Area Through Direct Mail Marketing
- How to Feel Crazy Confident in Your Listing Conversation
All of these and more had agents, just like you, pouring into webinar seats, listening on high alert, and taking notes of the strategies they most wanted to put into action to not just survive a changing market – but thrive in it.
The Good News
We’re still hosting these trainings – each and every Wednesday and you’re invited!
See and Register for Upcoming Webinars
We start at Noon Eastern every Wednesday! Put it in your calendar!
SIX: They Have Amazing Marketing Tools.
Gone are the days when you can be just a “sales” agent. Today’s top real estate agents consider themselves marketing agents and for good reason.
It’s more important than ever to brand yourself as the go-to agent in your area, stay top of mind with your sphere and farm, and put best practices in place for developing and following up on new business.
But – that’s a lot of work, right? A lot of time?
Did you know that it takes at LEAST 5-7 “touches” before a potential client even takes notice of you?
In fact, I found this awesome piece by Direct Marketing Partners that goes into real detail about what it takes to generate a qualified lead in today’s world. ow are you going to come up with all that AND make your calls? Book Appointments? Drive buyers around?
Even MORE Good News!
We’ve got you covered. Literally – soup to nuts. Everything you need to market and brand yourself in your area, stay in touch, cultivate and nurture leads, and look like a rock star real estate agent doing it all.
There are more than 500 pieces in our Power Agent® Classroom that cover every conceivable aspect of your job…
- Buyers
- Sellers
- Farming
- Sphere
- Negotiating
- Presenting
- Objection Handling
- the works!
It’s all there for you, and the cool thing is if you’re a member – all you have to do is log in – hit search – and away you go!
If you’re not a member, all you have to do is pay $5 to jump in and look at the whole kit and kaboodle (my mom would be proud of that term) for 30 solid days.
What’s not to love about that? $5 in return to download and start using any or all of the 500 tools in the Classroom?
That’s a steal!
Get Your Marketing Tools Now
Darryl does often say that agents can start the trial, download everything for $5 and then bounce – which isn’t quite stealing, and we hope you won’t do that, but it’s totally possible.
Except that we hope you’ll love the training and coaching so much along with the marketing that you’ll want to be a Power Agent® forever – or at least as long as you’re in growth mode and working on your own real estate success story!
SEVEN: They Have Great Vendor Relationships.
We did a powerful interview with the #1 agent for Keller Williams in all of Florida, Kathrin Rein. One of the things that she does (that we LOVE) is every day she reaches into her book of vendor and business partners and does something to help at least a few.
- Calling to check in
- Sending a referral their way
- Mentioning them in social media
- Writing a review on their LinkedIn
Having the right business partners in your life is a terrific way to build your business. Create that synergy! You share referrals with them – they’ll share them right back!
I love what our preferred Mortgage Partner Andrew Russell shared on this subject:
“Our value proposition for our REALTOR partners has always been to help them grow and scale their business both online and offline. I’ve found most agents know what is necessary to help grow their business, but don’t know where to start. I’ve created an in–house agent concierge whose job is to help our REALTOR partners on a one-on-one basis to grow their business.
A true partnership is a two-way street so besides being phenomenal on the mortgage side, it’s our duty to help our partners grow their side of the business as well. We help our partners with such things as social media, digital marketing, a presence and generating leads on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Youtube, Google, etc. We also help them with offline marketing like print marketing and boots on the ground marketing strategies. We like to bring value first before looking for referral opportunities.”
Get yourself partners like that and watch your business thrive.
Check out our recommended Vendor List.
Eight: They Commit to Themselves and Their Futures
We’re not kidding about taking your business to the Next Level®. If you’re in this game of real estate, and you’re on the field – you might as well WIN – right?
That takes commitment. It takes looking yourself in the mirror and saying, “I’m all in, let’s do this.”
Then doing it.
We do everything we can to make creating your real estate success story faster, easier, and with less bumps along the way.
We’ll deliver the…
- Business Plan
- Real Estate CRM
- Best Coach in the Business
- Support System that Rocks
- Training to Take You to the Top
- Hundreds of Marketing Tools
- Preferred and Vetted Vendors
But the last component is you.
Your commitment. Your desire to design and live a life and career worth smiling about.
We’re all in.
What About YOU?
“I’ve taken many, many coaching programs before. I learned over and over all the “basics”. Prospecting, FSBOs, cold-calling, buyers, but it never clicked. I could never get to MY Next Level until Darryl communicated with me on a whole NEW level that I could understand and gave me the tools – and the support – I needed to succeed and believe in myself. Now I’m consistently earning commissions.” – Vikki Yates
Get Started!
For our Power Agents®, you’ve already got a head start!
You’ve got the tools and training you need in the classroom, all the support and care you can use in our Facebook Group, and the best coach in the business to help you steer your course and create your own real estate success story.
If you’re not yet a Power Agents®- no stress!
You can try us on for size for less than a cup of Starbucks!
You can open the door for an all-access 30-day trial of this extraordinary, success-fueling program for just $5.
That’s it. $5. No contract. No long-term obligation.
Just a wide and wonderful network of success-minded agents with a love of learning and a passion for helping one another, plus Darryl, plus our terrific team, plus a classroom literally packed to the rim with tools and training for every conceivable aspect of your business.
For just $5! You’re totally worth $5!
Imagine what you could do if you had just a snippet of what’s inside The Power Program®! Just a fraction!
Hope to see you on the “inside”! Here’s to your success!
Not yet a Power Agent®? Click here to learn more about how you can access hundreds of marketing, prospecting, and objection handling tools – live weekly coaching, podcasts, webinars, and more!
Need help? Contact our team today at (800) 395-3905!