Shiny Penny Syndrome and How To Make It Work For You
Powerfact: Make your new buyer strategy — Less Stress, Income higher. Work the house, not the buyer. By Real Estate Coach and Speaker Darryl Davis, CSP
Powerfact: Make your new buyer strategy — Less Stress, Income higher. Work the house, not the buyer. By Real Estate Coach and Speaker Darryl Davis, CSP
Powerfact: Power Agents are Problem-Solvers!
Your word and reputation are everything in this world. Power Agents serve with integrity!
WARNING: Real Estate Rant Ahead POWERFACT: The higher your standards, the more referrals you’ll get, the more business you’ll close, and the more relationships you’ll build. The lower your standards? Is costing you your reputation and that of every other REALTOR®. Look, I know I’m usually the smile guy. The glass half full guy. The […]
POWERFACT: Your thoughts become your focus. Your focus determines your results. By Real Estate Coach and Speaker Darryl Davis, CSP I was having a conversation with my son who was going through a difficult time. I asked him to look around the room and look for everything that was black then close his eyes. I […]
POWERFACT: Before you start talking about YOU during your listing conversation – be sure that sellers have first bought into the value of our industry and using a REALTOR®.
Powerfact: The Power Program changes mindsets, skills sets, careers, and lives.
Powerfact: Listing Agents Work Smarter, Not Harder.
Powerfact: The words we choose and the intent with which we use them is more important than ever.
Powerfact: To communicate listing price – analogies are your best friend!
Addressing the Suze Orman Quote
Powerfact: One big key to overcoming fear of the unknown — is to take ACTION.