Putting Your CMA to Work When Meeting with Sellers
Powerfact: To communicate listing price – analogies are your best friend!
Powerfact: To communicate listing price – analogies are your best friend!
Powerfact: Negotiation and communication skills are more important than ever!
Powerfact: Any agent who has been in the business more than five minutes has probably at least once run into a commission objection.
POWERFACT: An Agent with a PLAN is better positioned to be THE resource for both listings and sales, in ANY market.
Powerfact: A shift from the mindset of social distancing versus physical distancing is a must right now.
There is no doubt that right now – there’s a lot we CAN’T CONTROL. And I get that. It’s scary. Believe it or not there are a lot of things we CAN control though – and one of those things is prioritizing making memorable moments with the people we love.
POWERFACT: Your Attitude Defines Your Altitude!
When you are helping people live the dream of home ownership, you are doing much more than facilitating a transaction — you’re changing lives.
I literally want agents to have more fun working with fewer buyers, while making more sales. Listen, I WAS you. I remember what it was like to take buyers out, and the frustration of showing them house after house and them not making a purchase, or (worse) purchasing from somebody else.