How Being the “Mayor” Of Your Real Estate Farm Area Wins You Clients
Prospecting isn’t just dialing the phone or knocking on doors; it’s about becoming such a brand name that you’re almost the “Mayor” of your farm area.
Prospecting isn’t just dialing the phone or knocking on doors; it’s about becoming such a brand name that you’re almost the “Mayor” of your farm area.
People often talk about integrity in real estate. They mean things like “sticking to your price” or “not bending the rules.” But integrity isn’t about following the status quo—it’s about doing what’s right, even when no one is looking.
We’ve all been there…crippled by some fear of failure and judgment, especially this year, but this fear holds us back, and keeps us from finding our greatness…and having a lot of fun!
Ninety-five percent of the problems you and I have in the area of time management are not really about managing time at all. What most of us call time management is really about managing our attitude.
Keeping up with the constantly shifting market has many agents floundering. Before you tear your hair out with frustration, check out the three mindset makeovers you need to keep up and stay competitive.
Creating powerful real estate metaphors and analogies isn’t magic, but with this formula, it might seem like it! These 4 simple ideas can get your creative juices flowing to invent powerful analogies on the spot.
Want to build momentum? Put systems in place and keep moving forward.
Whether homeowners are faced with natural disasters or other devastating issues, being prepared with answers and resources to help them through is one of the many ways we can serve our clients.
Metaphors, stories, and analogies are the secret sauce to effective communication.
Humor and heart can get us through almost anything – even real estate deals! Let’s dive into some bad dad jokes for real estate agents to put a SMILE on your face this week!
You CAN call FSBOs and Expireds even when they are on the Do Not Call (DNC) List. Here’s Why…
If you’re not using the Power Agent Directory®, you’re definitely leaving money and opportunity on the table.