How to Tap Into The Referral Gold in Your Power Agent® Directory Today
If you’re not using the Power Agent Directory®, you’re definitely leaving money and opportunity on the table.
If you’re not using the Power Agent Directory®, you’re definitely leaving money and opportunity on the table.
Achieving your real estate goals can be faster and more rewarding when they are fueled by purpose.
The REAL real estate success stories are in the countless experiences that clients have with real estate pros who are not “doing” real estate but rather “being” it.
The Olympics have long been an occasion that brought people together to see the best of the best compete, but it is so much more than that – it’s about a shared passion for their sport.
When listing inventory is this low, a lot of agents say, “I’m out of here!” Other agents lean into smart tools, creative mindsets, and good, old-fashioned, service to stay on track for their goals.
A small shift in mindset when prospecting for your real estate business is sometimes all it takes to make a big difference.
Insecurity can get the best of any agent, but when we focus on being authentic, it allows us to commit to serving, not selling.
Still Smiling: Our Commitment to You Through the COVID-19 Pandemic