The Science of Smiling: Oxytocin for Others
In this part of the “Science of Smiling” real estate success series, Darryl why it’s in our DNA to be connected to one another as human beings.
In this part of the “Science of Smiling” real estate success series, Darryl why it’s in our DNA to be connected to one another as human beings.
The “warm fuzzies” you get from smiling aren’t a coincidence, it’s actually your brain following your facial cue!
“How do I keep from burning out?”, “How do I find more balance?” Sound familiar? Let’s dive into time management that can help you smile more and stress less.
Real estate success stories sometimes seem born from “luck”, but more often than not, they are the results of having the right tools and systems to build upon.
Every human has a baseline standard of happy, but how do we move that baseline up to be even more happy? (Hint: It involves smiling!)
If we are waiting to be perfect before we start, we will never do anything. When we see ourselves as growing into better versions of ourselves as we gain experience, that’s when we can accomplish great things.
There is a plethora of science behind a smile, and we are putting Serotonin to work for us by striving for mastery and using our accomplishments to boost our confidence and creativity.
In this business, it’s sometimes easy to start feeling like you’re on a slippery slope that’s not moving in the right direction. When that happens? It’s time to hit the reset button!
Powerfact: Success in the business of real estate comes down to your commitment to building relationships.
Powerfact: You have your listing appointment PowerPoint, and the CMA ready, but one thing a successful real estate agent can’t leave behind? The “Success” mindset.
Powerfact: When you know that you can help a homeowner sell their home for more money in less time and with less stress – your goal is to just get in the door.
POWERFACT: We get to control what we allow “in” to our minds and lives. What we choose makes a difference.