How to Deliver a Powerful Real Estate Listing Conversation
One of the top skills to learn in this business is how to crush (in a great way) and win your real estate listing conversation.
One of the top skills to learn in this business is how to crush (in a great way) and win your real estate listing conversation.
We’ve all been there…crippled by some fear of failure and judgment, especially this year, but this fear holds us back, and keeps us from finding our greatness…and having a lot of fun!
“I understand that it’s hard for everyone, but one cannot give in to emotions… we’ll have to draw lessons from the current crisis and now we’ll have to work on overcoming it.” – Boris Yeltsin
Top Real Estate Agents use powerful collateral marketing tools such as eGuides to set themselves apart as a trusted resource in their markets.
Check out how our real estate coaching program helps add more wins to the week, along with celebrating them!
Real estate is frustrating enough at times without stressing about leads that don’t call you back. Here are some tricks of the trade…
Big Thanks to our Power Agents® for sharing some of their favorite apps and links for real estate in our Brainstorming Sessions!
Whether you represent the buyers or sellers, problems can arise come closing date because the expectations and commitment to repairs differs from one party to the other.
Business partnerships are like any other relationship with it’s ups and downs, it takes effort and a lot of TLC to stay healthy and engaging.
Every human has a baseline standard of happy, but how do we move that baseline up to be even more happy? (Hint: It involves smiling!)
The issue of fair housing comes up during the course of negotiation, but what do you do when the sellers try changing the deal 10 days after accepting it, and you think it’s due to discrimination?
POWERFACT: Smiling is crucial to our well-being. Each smile triggers the release of what I’ll call the four “feel-good chemicals” (I remember them with the acronym D.O.S.E.®): Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, and Endorphin.