11 Powerful Ingredients for Real Estate Farming [eGuide]
Success isn’t won, it’s earned with consistent hard work, creative marketing, relentless determination, and just a sprinkling of good luck!
Success isn’t won, it’s earned with consistent hard work, creative marketing, relentless determination, and just a sprinkling of good luck!
Stop asking, “Should I have a Real Estate Buyer Agency Agreement with every buyer?” The answer is YES.
Don’t let competitive real estate markets make you stressed – remember – when the going gets tough, the tough get strategic!
POWERFACT: Prospecting is ESSENTIAL to your success as a real estate professional. Focusing on commitment vs. fear is key.
It’s not up to your clients to remember you, it’s up to you to maintain the connection.
Real Estate Agents often square off against resolute homeowners who have their own ideas about pricing their home, but a truly great agent has the qualities to embody the “Coach, Not Close” attitude.
Real estate success stories sometimes seem born from “luck”, but more often than not, they are the results of having the right tools and systems to build upon.
Looking ahead into 2022 most indicators show that the real estate market will continue to hold strong.
POWERFACT: Smiling is crucial to our well-being. Each smile triggers the release of what I’ll call the four “feel-good chemicals” (I remember them with the acronym D.O.S.E.®): Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, and Endorphin.
You work hard, and you have the skills and know-how to do a great job. Then you are passed over for another agent because their social media is flashier than yours and they have more followers? What’s an agent to do?
Comparative Market Analysis doesn’t sound very exciting, and the last thing you want during your Listing conversation is for your clients to glaze over in boredom. These tips will ensure that doesn’t happen.
If we are waiting to be perfect before we start, we will never do anything. When we see ourselves as growing into better versions of ourselves as we gain experience, that’s when we can accomplish great things.