To Renovate or Not: Sale Price Options for Homeowners
The ability to communicate value, options, and real-world solutions is more important than ever.
The ability to communicate value, options, and real-world solutions is more important than ever.
Looking ahead into 2022 most indicators show that the real estate market will continue to hold strong.
“I have a friend in the business” is a common expression from buyers and sellers you hope will become clients, but explaining why that’s not ideal too often falls on deaf ears.
Powerfact: Getting your real estate offer accepted amidst fierce competition isn’t impossible, because the price isn’t the only deciding factor – it’s all about the terms.
What every real estate agent needs to know about Zillow’s decision to become a competing brokerage.
As a real estate agent, you know exactly how much work goes into selling a home, but the real question is, do your clients?
Looking ahead into 2021 most indicators show that the real estate market will continue to hold strong.
Powerfact: Any agent who has been in the business more than five minutes has probably at least once run into a commission objection.