How to Deliver a Powerful Real Estate Listing Conversation
One of the top skills to learn in this business is how to crush (in a great way) and win your real estate listing conversation.
One of the top skills to learn in this business is how to crush (in a great way) and win your real estate listing conversation.
Gratitude creates connections that can help create customers for life.
Creating powerful real estate metaphors and analogies isn’t magic, but with this formula, it might seem like it! These 4 simple ideas can get your creative juices flowing to invent powerful analogies on the spot.
Whether homeowners are faced with natural disasters or other devastating issues, being prepared with answers and resources to help them through is one of the many ways we can serve our clients.
Metaphors, stories, and analogies are the secret sauce to effective communication.
You CAN call FSBOs and Expireds even when they are on the Do Not Call (DNC) List. Here’s Why…
Open houses remain one of the best ways to generate leads! Here’s a strategy-filled mini-guide to make your next open house a massive success.
We are called human beings, not human doings for a reason!
Many agents struggle with how to approach a listing conversation. Asking too soon seems pushy, but wait too long, and you chicken out.
The ability to communicate value, options, and real-world solutions is more important than ever.
Getting to your Next Level® in real estate doesn’t happen by accident. It takes commitment.
There is a big difference between “being” and “doing.” We go through life and through our business and balancing both can become stressful. When we start off our day off by waking up to a To-Do list, it can feel draining rather than inspiring!