How Being the “Mayor” Of Your Real Estate Farm Area Wins You Clients
Prospecting isn’t just dialing the phone or knocking on doors; it’s about becoming such a brand name that you’re almost the “Mayor” of your farm area.
Prospecting isn’t just dialing the phone or knocking on doors; it’s about becoming such a brand name that you’re almost the “Mayor” of your farm area.
“What you do will only ever be as good as WHY you do it.” These powerful words from author and leader Zach Mercurio are a short, but strong reminder of why we need to find purpose in what we do. Unsurprisingly, this also includes finding purpose in our prospecting!
An essential tool for prospecting is calling past clients to reconnect, but the attitude you go into the call with can make or break your success.
POWERFACT: Prospecting is ESSENTIAL to your success as a real estate professional. Focusing on commitment vs. fear is key.
One of the greatest joys for the team at Power Headquarters is hearing about our members’ successes using the tools and skills they’ve learned!
Our success comes from helping clients, and we win over new clients by prospecting. There is a difference between prospecting for yourself and prospecting to help homeowners!
Real estate coaching tip: Do the tasks you enjoy the least while your energy is highest to help you get through it and onto the things you love.
POWERFACT: Smiling is crucial to our well-being. Each smile triggers the release of what I’ll call the four “feel-good chemicals” (I remember them with the acronym D.O.S.E.®): Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, and Endorphin.
Changing careers is both thrilling and terrifying, and in this article, we cover the where’s, why’s, and how’s of getting started in the Real Estate industry.
How to Bring Your Community Farm Together for a GREAT Reason Ever been to a Trunk or Treat? These awesome events bring community members together for fun and celebration — and also keep kids safer during the Halloween season. I got together with my business partner, Julie Escobar, about what we can do to help […]
Powerfact: Most everyone you meet on a daily basis is a potential client.
Powerfact: Prospecting Calls Are ALL opportunities for breakthroughs in your skill and development!