Increase Your D.O.S.E.®
September 27, 2021

Increase Your D.O.S.E.®

POWERFACT: Smiling is crucial to our well-being. Each smile triggers the release of what I’ll call the four “feel-good chemicals” (I remember them with the acronym D.O.S.E.®): Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, and Endor­phin.

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How Resentment Poisons Your Enthusiasm
September 13, 2021

How Resentment Poisons Your Enthusiasm 

When things don’t work out the way you hoped, resentment can build. This can affect our daily life in unexpected ways, which is why learning to let go is the key to happiness. 

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May 1, 2020

Time for Memorable Moments

There is no doubt that right now – there’s a lot we CAN’T CONTROL. And I get that. It’s scary. Believe it or not there are a lot of things we CAN control though – and one of those things is prioritizing making memorable moments with the people we love.

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