Increase Your D.O.S.E.®
POWERFACT: Smiling is crucial to our well-being. Each smile triggers the release of what I’ll call the four “feel-good chemicals” (I remember them with the acronym D.O.S.E.®): Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, and Endorphin.
POWERFACT: Smiling is crucial to our well-being. Each smile triggers the release of what I’ll call the four “feel-good chemicals” (I remember them with the acronym D.O.S.E.®): Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, and Endorphin.
You work hard, and you have the skills and know-how to do a great job. Then you are passed over for another agent because their social media is flashier than yours and they have more followers? What’s an agent to do?
Comparative Market Analysis doesn’t sound very exciting, and the last thing you want during your Listing conversation is for your clients to glaze over in boredom. These tips will ensure that doesn’t happen.
If we are waiting to be perfect before we start, we will never do anything. When we see ourselves as growing into better versions of ourselves as we gain experience, that’s when we can accomplish great things.
Creating a partnership can be exciting when it works well, but stressful when it doesn’t. Focusing on complementary roles means everyone is happy with what they do.
When things don’t work out the way you hoped, resentment can build. This can affect our daily life in unexpected ways, which is why learning to let go is the key to happiness.
Whether it’s a buyers’ market, a sellers’ market, or a balanced market, it’s always a good market for real estate agents, who can help homeowners no matter what the housing market dictates.
Want to make a difference in 30 days? Use the appreciation marketing secret for success and remember Teddy Roosevelt’s words, “They don’t care what you know until they know that you care.”
Guest Blog by Paulina Pestryakov, Power Builder Partner
Powerfact: Make your new buyer strategy — Less Stress, Income higher. Work the house, not the buyer. By Real Estate Coach and Speaker Darryl Davis, CSP
There is no doubt that right now – there’s a lot we CAN’T CONTROL. And I get that. It’s scary. Believe it or not there are a lot of things we CAN control though – and one of those things is prioritizing making memorable moments with the people we love.