The Fastest Way Out of a Real Estate Slump
Getting out of a slump in your business, or personal life can feel like a monumental task, especially as a real estate agent. Let’s look at how to get out of one.
Getting out of a slump in your business, or personal life can feel like a monumental task, especially as a real estate agent. Let’s look at how to get out of one.
Big Thanks to our Power Agents® for sharing some of their favorite apps and links for real estate in our Brainstorming Sessions!
Our success comes from helping clients, and we win over new clients by prospecting. There is a difference between prospecting for yourself and prospecting to help homeowners!
Your strength, conviction, and commitment to a cause are the components that will help you change the world.
Real estate agents often think they need to have ALL the answers in a listing conversation, including price. Pro coaching tip: Use a price range and involve your client for less pressure, better results.
With the holiday season comes the time of reflection as we make our final push to the end of the year. Seeing how far we have come helps us plan how much farther we’ll go.
Whether you represent the buyers or sellers, problems can arise come closing date because the expectations and commitment to repairs differs from one party to the other.
Like the weather, life can have its stormy weather. Preparing for that means we need a coat of positivity to keep us protected from the negative elements.
With so many different marketing strategies, it’s important to fine tune your choices to make them work for you in the best way possible.
Real estate is everywhere. Here’s why it’s important to understand the essential value that real estate agents bring to the real estate transaction.
Business partnerships are like any other relationship with it’s ups and downs, it takes effort and a lot of TLC to stay healthy and engaging.
Every human has a baseline standard of happy, but how do we move that baseline up to be even more happy? (Hint: It involves smiling!)