4 Tips to Show your Clients Gratitude This Year
Gratitude creates connections that can help create customers for life.
Gratitude creates connections that can help create customers for life.
We are called human beings, not human doings for a reason!
Real estate success stories look and feel differently for everyone – and that’s what makes them even more special.
It’s not up to your clients to remember you, it’s up to you to maintain the connection.
Real estate success stories sometimes seem born from “luck”, but more often than not, they are the results of having the right tools and systems to build upon.
How the Social Media Stream Keeps Your Audiences Engaged
In this market of multiple offers, repeated rejection, and mounting frustration for buyers trying to find a home, keeping them motivated through the transactions is a hard job.
When it’s time to hire an assistant, be sure you are delegating the RIGHT work.
POWERFACT: Your Real Estate CRM is the hub of your business, and the foundation for your success.
Powerfact: Real estate really does come down to relationships. Let us help ensure you’re fueling yours!
There are some specific ways your real estate business could be bolstered by social media, and they are simpler than you might think.
Powerfact: To succeed and compete effectively in the age of change — a CRM is a must-have tool.